Jong-Wha Lee Professor Department of Economics h-index 11445 Citations 33 h-index 1993 …2024 Research activity per year: undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined,...
网络释义 1. 李金沃 ...(Asian Development Bank)的李金沃(Jong Wha-Lee)表示,近年来地区内部贸易的大幅攀升,掩盖了这样一个事实:亚洲商品 …|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,李金沃 更多例句筛选 1. But Jong-Wha Lee of the Asian Development Bank has tried to put a number on it. ...
亚洲开发银行首席经济专家李金沃(Lee Jong-Wha )说,东亚地区今年经济情势仍很悲观,但如果亚洲各 国继续集中力量在 …|基于1 个网页 2. 李正华 ...里( Gregorio)和韩国大学的教 授李正华(Lee Jong-wha)等人在《FDI如何作用于经济增长》的论文中提出的。|基于1 个网页 ...
Cautious optimism that economy has bottomed: the Asian Development Bank's Chief Economist, Lee Jong-Wha, believes Asia's economy is close to the bottom, "but it will take some time to get out of the bottom". China and Indonesia both say domestic consumption is helping them counter the ...
Costs and Benefits of Economic Integration in Asia – Edited by Robert J. Barro and Jong‐Wha LeeNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1467-8411.2012.01339_6.xPeter J. LloydwileyAsian‐Pacific Economic Literature
Khan Mohsin and Kumar Manmohan, 1997, Public and private investment and the growth process in developing countries, Oxford Bulletin of Economics &Statistics 59 (1): p59.Khan, M.S., and M.S. Kumar. (1997): "Public and Private Investment and the Growth Process in Developing Countries." ...
WHA to confirm Jong-Wook Lee as new Director-Generaldoi:10.1016/S1473-3099(03)00570-XClareKappSDOSLancet Infectious Diseases
WHA to confirm Jong-Wook Lee as new Director-Generaldoi:10.1016/S1473-3099(03)00570-XClare KappElsevier BVThe Lancet Infectious Diseases