Jong Seung Kim,韩国Korea University化学系教授,韩国科学院院士,在美国德州理工大学化学学院获得有机化学博士学位,在休斯敦大学从事博士后研究,自2007年起开始在Korea University化学学院工作。迄今为止在SCI数据库发表文章412篇,同时申请专利累计70项。
Seung-Ho JooUniversity of Minnesota;Blackwell Publishing AsiaPacific FocusNorth Korea under Kim Jong-Un: The Beginning of the End of A Peculiar Dynasty," Pacific Focus, 27-1 (August 2012), pp. 1-9.Joo, S.-h. (2012). North Korea under Kim Jong-un: The Beginning of the End of a ...
"Yang's expertise extends not only to the banking sector, but also encompasses a broad understanding of non-banking domains. Moreover, his keen insights into areas like digitalization, global operations and ESG management demonstrate his exceptional vision," the committee head Kim Kyung-ho said in...