up Jonah, not to devour him, but to protect him. Out of the eater comes forth meat; for Jonah was alive and well in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, not consumed by the heat of the animal, nor suffocated for want of air. It is granted that to nature this was...
53Third, on the typological-spiritual level of interpretation–the supreme aim ofhisJonah commentary–Jerome interprets, verse-by-verse, the wording of the pre-text which he by now has established (level 1) and explained (level 2) as a typolog-ical foreshadowing of the Christ event. He, ...
Given this, a 50% and 20% reduction of oil and wheat respectively is best explained as the manager removing interest which corresponds to the level of risk for each product. Profits from interest go to the owner of the debt, not the manager.Interest is, of course, unlawful in Jewish soci...
4.4. Verse 13 as Preparing Conversion Alongside the extended conversion structures in Jonah 1 discussed above3, a reduced conversion structure can be revealed in verses 9–16: v. 9–10 knowledge about YHWH; fear of the seamen v.11 action: demand by Jonah v.13 preparing conversion (turning ...