Jon Bon Jovi: 欣赏美女永远不会让人觉得厌倦,我记得在一个颁奖礼上遇见了Caprice(Caprice Bourret,模特兼歌手),我在心里想“她简直太完美了,她tmd到底是谁?”她是如此美丽。 你的老婆是不是把你管的很严? Jon Bon Jovi: 如果你见了我老婆Dorothea,你肯定会想约她出去。她很酷,很独立,并且不担心失去我,...
本文是一篇记叙文,讲述Jon Bon Jovi和妻子Dorothea为了服务于大学学生开办志愿者餐馆的故事。 1. 词句猜测题。根据第二段中的undergraduatestudents receivefinancial aid, in addition to the graduate studentswho also receive help from the school. Withthe new restaurant, thosewho can't afford to pay for foo...
不过其实 Donatella Versace 也算是看着孩子长大的,所以如今聘用起来也算合理。 Jake Bongiovi 的妈妈是 Dorothea Hurley(多萝西娅·赫尔利)是 Jon Bon Jovi 的高中同学。 Jake Bongiovi 确实可爱,如果是我,我也会爱屋及乌。 不过他已经有女友了,还是 Millie Bobby Brown(米莉·芭比·布朗)。 我只能祝福,祝他们天长...
JON BON JOVI的事业和家庭在五月份发生了冲突,当他妻子Dorothea早产时他正在新奥尔良演出,他被电话骚扰得太多所以把旅馆房间的电话线拔了。Dorothea无法联系到他,就打电话给乐队经理让他把Jon叫醒,Jon连行李都没拿就冲到机场定了一架私人飞机飞回到新泽西他妻子身边,在最后两小时里他终于亲自迎来了儿子Jacob的诞生。
1988年,Jon Bon Jovi和妻子Dorothea Hurley leanncn 都别错过 14 Bon Jovi取得重大突破的年代也正是“华丽金属”的全盛时期。那个时代的男神就是像Motley Crue那样的——化着妖艳贱货一样的妆,穿着紧得不能再紧的裤子和衣裳,磕着大把的药,做着大堆的坏事还有大波的妹子追。当时的Bon Jovi也是留着一头长毛...
Jon Bon Jovi: 如果你见了我老婆Dorothea,你肯定会想约她出去。她很酷,很独立,并且不担心失去我,相信我,这一点很吸引人。所以如果你要问我是不是想跟Caprice上床,是的,但是我是不是会为了她放弃我老婆?不会。我跟她之间就这个问题已经谈过无数次了。她说,"没关系,继续。不过要记得一点,如果这件事发生了,...
Bon Jovi has two brothers, Anthony and Matthew. Bon Jovi has four children, and is married to Dorothea Hurley (1989-present).Known best as a singer-songwriter, in 1983 he was the founder and frontman of a band that bears his name. Bon Jovi is also known as a record producer, actor ...
The 62-year-old Bon Jovi frontman recently sat down for an interview with Michael Strahan, and implied that he may have stepped out on his marriage to wife Dorothea Hurley, in the past -- particularly when he was young -- or at least been presented the opportunity by multiple women....
Jon Bon Jovi is not afraid to admit he has made his fair share of mistakes over the course of his decades-long marriage to wife Dorothea Hurley. The couple were high school sweethearts and went on to elope in 1989 at the height of Bon Jovi's fame. "I got away...