For Mady, college was a chance to forge a life outside of her association with her mom's reality shows — Kate followed up a series of post-divorce takes on the original "Jon & Kate Plus 8" with "Kate Plus Date," which premiered last year — and to get some distance from...
An outright villain on a small craft was a bad story idea and Jonathan Harris very well knew that such a villain would not be tolerated or kept around for very long, even if he were not killed off. Fond of the role as written for him, not to mention staying as a cast member, he ...
Kate Mara, Jack Dylan Grazer, Josh Segarra, Billy Bryk, Jason Veasey and Jon Glaser also star.DeYoung also wrote the screenplay for the movie, which was one of the breakout titles at TIFF this year, with the film receiving raves for how hilarious and uncomfortable the movie made audiences....
See hi and Kate Youngen and the team for doing the live Instagram interviews. I was just reflecting on what a unique opportunity we are given to ask these great guests questions. For example, where else can you go to ask the founder of one of the leading budget apps your questions ...