Phonics Sounds-Group 7 1952015-05 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1260 Phonics by:莎小莎_1v 2.3万 Phonics by:Maria马利亚 7239 PHONICS by:育英学堂ECHO老师 1.2万 Phonics by:LolaLee 23.2万 Phonics by:Nibble_Station 5213 Phonics by:美格教育世家 5720 Phonics by:听友28341257 2.9万 Phonics by:曼曼央央 3916 Pho...
大名鼎鼎的Jolly Phonics自然拼读法。 声音(8)评价(0) 正序|倒序 1 JOLLY SONGS A-Z(from the big book JOLLY SONGS) 407 2015-05 2 Phonics Sounds Group 1 382 2015-05 3 Phonics sounds - Group 2 226 2015-05 4 Phonics sounds - Group 3 ...
Jolly Phonics Group Four 4 Actions & Letter Sounds 教育 上传者:a1direct_cn 00:28 Jolly Phonics Group Three 3 Actions & Letter Sounds 教育 上传者:a1direct_cn 00:35 Jolly Phonics Group Two 2 Actions & Letter Sounds 教育 上传者:a1direct_cn ...
最受欢迎的自然拼读之一,Jolly Phonics(快乐自然拼读),内容进行了整合。 3377 -- 11:34 App 丽声快乐自然拼读歌 Jolly Phonics all songs and actions 1349 -- 2:36 App Jolly Phonics Group 2 1507 -- 2:16 App 自然拼读歌6 Jolly Phonics Group 6 Y X CH SH TH 85.2万 209 2:24 App 【DAK ...
中文简介:JollyPhonics是由英国Lowestoft的Woods Loke中小学老师Sara Wernham及Sue Lloyd所研发的教材,共有7册书。整套教材共有42个主要发音规则,被分为7组。它最大的特点是每一个抽象的发音都有一个具体的动作来帮助孩子记住。这对一些孩子来说是很实用的学习方法。 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内...
1. Jolly Phonics: British English Version Using synthetic phonics to ensure that all children learn to read. inforegister your interest enrol nowlogin/start course 2. Jolly Phonics: American English Version This approach is the key to unlocking independent reading. ...
Finger Phonics 7 英文简介:Every of those 14-page board ebook offers with one group of letter sounds. …
中文简介:JollyPhonics是由英国Lowestoft的Woods Loke中小学老师Sara Wernham及Sue Lloyd所研发的教材,共有7册书。整套教材共有42个主要发音规则,被分为7组。它最大的特点是每一个抽象的发音都有一个具体的动作来帮助孩子记住。这对一些孩子来说是很实用的学习方法。
Level: elementary Age: 3-10 Downloads: 31 Phonics song Jolly phonics Level: elementary Age: 3-9 Downloads: 17 Jolly Phonics Level: elementary Age: 3-5 Downloads: 16 flashcards to use with Jolly Phonics Level: elementary Age: 3-8 Downloads: 16 Jolly Phonics Group 1 (satpin) Word ...
The results reveal that Jolly Phonics was effective in enhancing pupils reading skills. The experiment group gained from 3-29 months reading age (5.3 to 5.7) in the Burt Test. The t-test analysis shows a significant difference of 9.42 (df 166) between the posttest mean score of the ...