大名鼎鼎的Jolly Phonics自然拼读法。 声音(8)评价(0) 正序|倒序 1 JOLLY SONGS A-Z(from the big book JOLLY SONGS) 407 2015-05 2 Phonics Sounds Group 1 382 2015-05 3 Phonics sounds - Group 2 226 2015-05 4 Phonics sounds - Group 3 ...
Jolly Phonics Group Four 4 Actions & Letter Sounds 教育 上传者:a1direct_cn 00:28 Jolly Phonics Group Three 3 Actions & Letter Sounds 教育 上传者:a1direct_cn 00:35 Jolly Phonics Group Two 2 Actions & Letter Sounds 教育 上传者:a1direct_cn ...
1. Jolly Phonics: British English Version Using synthetic phonics to ensure that all children learn to read. inforegister your interest enrol nowlogin/start course 2. Jolly Phonics: American English Version This approach is the key to unlocking independent reading. ...
LettersandSoundsandJollyPhonicsbothcoverReceptiontoYear2,butJolly Phonicsextendsthisthroughtheschoolwithcomprehensivelessonplansforyears3,4,5and6aswell. Whatarethekeydifferencesbetweentheprogrammes? JollyPhonics lettersandsounds DividedintodailylessonplansforReceptionyear,andweeklylessonplansforYears1-6. Dividedinto...
I have...who has...Game Jolly Phonics Group 2 Level: elementary Age: 4-6 Downloads: 3 Jolly Phonics group 1 Level: elementary Age: 3-5 Downloads: 4 tricky words give Level: elementary Age: 5-10 Downloads: 3 Jolly Phonics group 1 and 2 Level: elementary Age: 4-6 Downloads: ...
Jolly Phonics teaches kids to read and write with games, songs, and science-based phonics instruction. Teach Your Child to Read and Write with Jolly Phonics! Unlock your child’s reading and writing potential with the literacy app trusted by parents and teachers worldwide. Aligned with the ...
Jolly Phonics uses the Sassoon Infant typeface which is The letters have not been introduced in alphabetical designed for children learning to read and write. order. The first group (s, a, t, i, p, n) has been chosen Many of the letters (such as d and n) have a joining because ...
最受欢迎的自然拼读之一,Jolly Phonics(快乐自然拼读),内容进行了整合。 3377 -- 11:34 App 丽声快乐自然拼读歌 Jolly Phonics all songs and actions 1349 -- 2:36 App Jolly Phonics Group 2 1507 -- 2:16 App 自然拼读歌6 Jolly Phonics Group 6 Y X CH SH TH 85.2万 209 2:24 App 【DAK ...
声音简介phonics group 4 第四组学习ai,j,oa,ie,ee,or。 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 JOLLY SONGS A-Z(from the big book JOLLY SONGS) 4072015-05 2 Phonics Sounds Group 1 3822015-05 3 Phonics sounds - Group 2 2262015-05 4 Phonics sounds - Group...
Finger Phonics 6 Finger Phonics 7 Download:iEnglish521.com/5572.html 英文简介:Every of those 14-page board ebook offers with one group of letter sounds. A enjoyable motion is given for each letter sound. Reduce-out letters on every web page present kids’s fingers the right formation for ...