We were established in 1998 and since then had been the leading accredited professional trainers in Hong Kong for Jolly Phonics. We are dedicated to establish English literacy at early age to benefit them abundantly in the future intellectual and charact
【中商原版】Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 3 快乐自然拼读学生课本3 彩色版 手写体 英文原版进口教材教辅参考书 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 货源地;发货地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(44) 物流很快(17) 坚固...
1. Jolly Phonics 2. Jolly Talk 3. Grammar 4. Writing 5. Reading comprehension 6. 小學英語專科班 * 只限新生報讀優惠 * 報讀兩個月正價英語課程, 可獲首月學費$38/堂, 第 二個月繳交正價學費 * 此優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用 * 優惠期限至2023年2月28日 Jolly Kingdom提供免費並專業的拼音能力評...
8️⃣ 1套配套发音口型视频。 9️⃣ 3级54册配套读物(Jolly Readers系列),是阅读分级读物,共有红、黄、绿、蓝四种颜色,共72本。 🔟 2册语法书(Grammar Books),每册分成36周来学习。 Jolly Phonics的综合性教学体系,通过多种形式和丰富的资源,为孩子们提供了一套全面而有趣的英语学习启蒙教材。0 0...
As the leading synthetic phonics publisher, and the most experienced, we offer a 7-year program that teaches not only phonics, but spelling, punctuation and grammar too, enabling children to read and write from an early age. Learn more ...
Тренинг "Introduction to Jolly Phonics & Grammar" Jolly English 837 人观看 1年前 4:01 Jolly Phonics Core Materials Основныематериалыдляурока. Svetlana Golubeva Ivanova Maria 161 人观看 3年前 5:41 Jolly Phonics In Russia. Interview With Coral Geo...
中文简介:JollyPhonics是由英国Lowestoft的Woods Loke中小学老师Sara Wernham及Sue Lloyd所研发的教材,共有7册书。整套教材共有42个主要发音规则,被分为7组。它最大的特点是每一个抽象的发音都有一个具体的动作来帮助孩子记住。这对一些孩子来说是很实用的学习方法。 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内...
5. Jolly Grammar Programme Driving excellence in grammar, spelling and punctuation skills. inforegister your interest enrol nowlogin/start course 6. Jolly Phonics China This programme is a thorough foundation for reading and writing. inforegister your interest ...
L2 - Phonics Advanced Age group (6 to 8 years) Join Us L3 - Great Grammar Age group (8 to 10 years) Join Us L4 - Super Scholars Age group (9 & above) Join Us L5 Super Geniuss Age group (10 & above) Join Us Cambridge English ...
How does Jolly Phonics work?Using a synthetic phonics approach, Jolly Phonics teaches children the five key skills for reading and writing. Complemented by Jolly Readers and Jolly Grammar, it provides a thorough foundation for teaching literacy over three years in school. 更多全部...