Wanna hear a joke that will make you laugh your ass off? Oh wait I see you already heard it. Jen Selter's ass is so big, when she were born, the doctor said "Congratulations! Twins!" Yo mama so ugly she has the booty of a stripper and the face of a trucker. Roses are Red, ...
I have a pencil that used to belong to William Shakespeare. He chewed it a lot. Now, I can't tell if it's 2B or not 2B. If alcohol can damage your short term memory… imagine the damage alcohol can do! My wife told me I have no sense of direction. I was so mad at her, I...
Jokes About WomenJoke Generator Jokes that make fun of women, females and female culture. Sort ByNew Quizzesyou may like: Vocabulary QuizzesVocabulary Marathon Art & Music QuizzesMusic of the 1950s Personality QuizzesHow Fast Do You Fall in Love?
What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A.A stick. Why do teenage girls travel in odd-numbered groups? A.Because they can’t even. Why did the selfie go to prison? A.It was framed. How do you make a tissue dance?
Some will say sex is better in the dark. Mostly because a lot offreaky stufflooks even freakier in the light. (Also, you may want to get that checked out.) But no matter how you make love or make fuck, you have to laugh at certain things that take place during the act. Sometimes...
3 Funny Knock Knock Jokes That Will Make Her Laugh Out Loud via:Pexels / Edward Eyer You really can’t go wrong with a few good old-fashionedknock-knock jokes. Although the format is incredibly old, you can keep it interesting with all kinds of different variations. ...
As a comedian, one of the most rewarding things is to create your own jokes that make people laugh. Here are some tips on how to create original jokes that will have your audience in stitches. Brainstorming Ideas The first step in creating an original joke is to come up with an idea....
When a baby is born into a family it affects everyone in that family. However, as you have baby 2, then baby 3, the way in which you deal with the child also changes considerably. Read these suggested differences and enjoy a laugh with Will and Guy. ...
Jokes that make fun of women, females and female culture. Sort ByNew A Friendly Suggestion A man bumps into an old high school friend he hadn't seen for a number of years. His old friend was notorious for bragging back in high school - about his possessions, achievements and relationships...
” The first man asks “Can I make a wish? ” Sure says the other man “Just make sure that you speak clearly cause he is a little hard at hearing” “Ok I will” says the other as he rubs the lamp a genie appears and asks the man what he wants The man says ” I want a ...