Religion JokesJoke Generator Religious jokes about all types of religion, making gentle fun of divinity, religion and its representatives. Sort ByNew Quizzesyou may like: English QuizzesReady to Test Your Knowledge of English? Geography QuizzesWhich Continent IS It?
Arriving at the next house, they spent several minutes talking with an elderly woman. She complained that she just didn’t have the energy she once did. “I’m feeling terribly run down lately.” “You’ve probably been doing too much work for the church,” the younger doctor told her....
One Sunday a pastor told the congregation that the church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns. After the offering plates were passed, the ...
Church Jokes The Best Jokes Told In Movies And TV Shows The Best Cow Jokes The Funniest And Corniest Dad Jokes The Best Dog Jokes The Best Short Jokes The Best 'Your Mom' Jokes In Internet History The Funniest Jokes With Long Set Ups That Are Totally Worth the Wait The Funniest Music Jo...
Church notices: This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs Cusworth to come forward and lay an egg on the altar. This Monday we will be holding a ‘Bean Supper’ in the church hall. Music will follow……… What do you call a chocolate bunny that was out in the sun too long? A run...
>The chicken crossed the road, But why it crossed, I've not been told! > >MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free >to cross roads without having their motives called into question. > >BARBARA WALTERS: Isn't that interesting? In a few moments we...
Naturally, the increasingly startled man asks about the third parrot, only to be told that it costs $2,000 dollars. Needless to say, this begs the question, "What can it do?"To which the owner replies, "To be honest, I have never seen it do anything, but the other two call him ...
If you think church can't be fun, you haven't heard these hilarious church jokes. We have the most blasphemous corny dad church jokes that will make even the big man upstairs chuckle. 191. How can you make God laugh? Show Answer192...
Usually when mom was trying to find something that had disappeared. (And usually the spiel was aimed at herself. If at me it was as a joke. Like, she knew whatever I’d lost I’d lost because she hadn’t told me she’d need it, or didn’t tell me where to put it.) And it...
One day I had to be the bearer of bad news when I told a wife that her husband had died of a massive myocardial infarct. Not more than five minutes later, I heard her reporting to the rest of the family that he had died of a "massive internal fart." ...