We all share jokes, quotes, and other funny stuff. No matter how funny they are we never had enough. Some are better than others and some are worse than anything. A redditor “ershy” asked this on Reddit, “What’s a joke that’s so stupid it’s funny?” these were the replies ...
We see you. You're totally cringing right now, but that's the whole point of theseshort jokes— to make you shake your head while laughing in spite of yourself. Whether you've come here seeking material for open mic night or are a dad looking for a lifetime supply of witty lines to...
Silly Jokes - Dumb Jokes That Are Funny - Crazy jokes and stupid riddles that don t always make sense (Illustrated Edition)Mature Jokemaker Jr
Jokes! Kids love ’em — especially dumb ones. And luckily for parents who like to show off their dad jokes, kids don’t mind a dumb joke that’s silly or stupid. Despite those angsty years, some youngsters are more interested in laughing than criticizing, even if a joke isn’t exactly...
Mother: Why are you crying? Daughter: Because I wanted to get a dinosaur for my baby brother. Mother: That's no reason to cry. Daughter: Yes it is! No one would trade me! What was the scariest prehistoric animal?(The Terror-dactyl!) What has a spiked tail, plates on its back,...
While moms are notorious for their funny#MomQuotes, dads are notorious for their dad jokes: “An indescribably cheesy and/or dumb joke made by a father to his children.” In honor of dads, we’ve rounded up a few of our favoritedad jokes. If you’re a new dad, consider practicing th...
Blond people stop commenting about how you are not stupid, it just makes you seem dumb and re-enforces the stereotype. No one actually thinks that blondes are any dumber than anyone else, these are just stupid old jokes. So there is no need to comment and tell us how smart you are. ...
79 - A brunette and a blonde are walking along in a park. The brunette says suddenly, "Awww, look at... More ›› 80 - Two blondes were walking down the road and the first blonde said "Look at that dog with one eye!... More ›› 81 - Q: What did the dumb blonde say...
When they said, 'Are you dumb?' She merely said, 'Hum!' That provoking Young Lady of Parma. I remember when I was small and cool, I was always playing truant from school. My mum used to say, "You'll regret it one day When you grow up to become a fool." ...
This what do you call joke it so obvious that everyone will laugh. Show Answer via:Unsplash / Gary Bendig 3 Stupid What Do You Call Jokes via:Depositphotos / luckybusiness Here's a news flash.Stupid jokesarereally, really funny. It's like they fell right off the end of the dumb, dumb...