Find hilarious and easy-to-understand jokes that will make kids laugh! Explore kid-friendly humor that is fun for the whole family.
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kids n. 小孩,年轻人(复数) joke n. [C] 1.玩笑,戏谑 2.笑柄,笑料 3.无需认真对待的事情;轻松的事;容易的事 v.[I] 1.开玩笑(+about/with) v. [T] 1.开...的玩笑,戏弄 in joke n. 圈内人(才能领会)的笑话 最新单词 corneal descemetocele的中文解释 角膜后弹性层膨出 corneal dermoid是...
These jokes for kids are silly, witty, and cool. The ultimate list of funny jokes isn't just kids' jokes, it's for everyone!
当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《海外直订Jokes for Kids: 300 Hilarious Jokes and Riddles for Kids: Joke Books 儿童笑话:300多个儿童笑话和谜语:儿童笑话书》。最新《海外直订Jokes for Kids: 300 Hilarious Jokes and Riddles for Kids: Joke Books 儿
这本笑话汇编挺适合幼儿学英语用,有很多笑话的笑点都是利用了英文单词的双关、谐音等,假如解释得当,幼儿应该也会明白。如:Q: Who keeps the ocean clean?A: The mermaid.其他的一些就好理解多了,比如:问:为何骷髅每天要喝八杯牛奶?答:因为牛奶对骨骼有益。问:为何约翰尼喝果汁前身体要摇来摇去?答:因为果汁盒...
Tooth jokes for kids are a great way to bring some lightheartedness to a trip to the dentist. Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania? – Dracula’s family dentist. What did the werewolf eat after he had his toothache fixed? – The dentist. ...
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