--- I've sure gotten old! I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts wit...
A widower, on his retirement, purchased a house situated near a high school. He spent the first few weeks of his retirement in peace, then the new school year began. One afternoon early into the first semester, three young boys came down the street, beating merrily on every bin they pass...
Joke:I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor ...
I’m looking forward to tonight’s snowstorm because I’ve run out of things to complain about. Somebody stopped me on the street to sell me something. I just said “You’re muted” and kept walking. Confused the hell out of him. ...
I’ve had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I’m half blind, can’t hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia… Have poor circ...
50. You worry more about breaking a hip than being hip.52. Musicians half your age are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or have appeared on postage stamps.53. The only white powder to be found amongst the band members is foot talc.ROCK ON!!!
Visit the closest mental hospital. Doctor Puns Who is the coolest Doctor in the hospital? The hip Doctor! Who is the second coolest man in hospital? The hip replacement guy! Who is the coolest Doctor in the hospital? The hip Doctor. Back...
I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulatio...
" asks the young man. Between his sobs and sniffles, he answers, "You don't understand, every morning before she goes to work, we make love. At lunch time, she comes home and we make love again, and then she makes my favorite meal. In the afternoon when she gets a break, she ...