If the election comes down to whom you’d rather have a beer with, here are your choices: Kamala Harris shares a lovely bottle of wine with you, from her own cellar, or, Mike Pence brings you a glass of milk and makes you pay for the whole bottle (yeah, he insists his milk come ...
The most explosive claim at the hearing was that greater checking of registrations from abroad is needed because the Iranian or Russian governments may be using that mechanism to tamper with the election. “We don’t want votes for Iran or Russia counted,” Kaardal said. “...
She calls up her mother a few weeks after Election Day and says, "So, Mom, I assume you'll be coming to my inauguration?" "I don't think so. It's a ten-hour drive, your father isn't as young as he used to be, and my arthritis is acting up again." "Don't worry about ...
This is the largest audience Harris may have this election, and it was critical to start tonight talking about her family, where she is from and what shaped her. She did that. But she didmorethan that. The VP’s story has pieces that everyone can identify with — moving around a lot ...
THE LABOUR Party last night threatened to pull the plug on three- way televised debates at the next General Election after Nick Clegg was inadvertently recorded telling David Cameron that the pair "won't find anything to bloody disagree on"....
For Donald Trump supporters, it was a happy day; for Hillary Clinton supporters, not so much. We took that opportunity to study how humor might help people cope with negative news. The day after the election, one of us (Alison) and several collaborators asked people who had voted for Clin...