Risotto Nero is the leader of La Squadra Esecuzioni and sends his squad-mates to battle Team Bucciarati; all in order to kidnap the Boss' daughter Trish Una, as part of their plan to discover her father's true identity. After all of his squad-mates fall in the course of their mission...
Risotto Nero (vs. La Squadra Esecuzioni) Enrico Pucci (vs. Pucci's Agents) Gyro Zeppeli (vs. Johnny teamed up with Valentine) Funny Valentine (vs. His Subordinates/U.S. Government) Josuke Higashikata 8 (vs. Yasuho/Mamezuku/Higashikata Family) ...
Despite this, though, bits of Diavolo are in Doppio: during the battle with Risotto Nero, Doppio refused to leave the battle or have his boss step in, remaining and doing all he could to find a weakness in Risotto's Stand, Metallica[7]. He shares his alter's collected nature when in...
Risotto Nero is born in Sicilia.[119] July 25, Kira, age 8, is on a vacation summer camp.[101] Perla Pucci is born.[120] ☆ Dija Maker is born. ☆ Fernando Alhorn travels back to Peru.[121] ☆ Fernando Alhorn kills Dos Santos's family members while testing the Arrow.[121] ☆...
Risotto Nero-JOJO的奇妙冒险方图My favorite assassin from passione!#JOJO的奇妙冒险 #方图 #jojo用户昵称IHdOexRwSE分享了这个作品 热门标签 动漫头像pixiv动漫壁纸头像女p站二次元原神动漫美女古风头像二次元美女头像男中国风评论 全部评论(1) 到達天堂的DIO 过分优秀(。・ω・。)ノ♡ 202202-11 06:09...
De leider van La Squadra Esecuzioni, Risotto Nero, heeft zich aangesloten bij het rooster van All-Star Battle R! Laat je tegenstanders een schietgebedje doen wanneer ze het opnemen tegen Risotto Nero's metalen manipulatie!Inhoud:- Risotto Nero als speelbaar personage- Aanvullende Risotto ...
Le chef de La Squadra Esecuzioni, Risotto Nero, a rejoint l'équipe de All-Star Battle R ! Vos adversaires vont faire leurs prières lorsqu'ils auront affaire à Risotto Nero et sa manipulation du métal !Contenu :- Risotto Nero en tant que personnage jouable- Ajout de Risotto Nero dans...
From Medicos. Risotto, member of La Squadra romJoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind, returns to the Super Action Statue action figure line! This line boasts excellent articulation with color design overseen by Araki himself!Risottoincludes an assortment of alternate hand parts, alternate ...
将可以使用可游玩角色「里苏特·涅罗」。 ■内容・可游玩角色「里苏特‧涅罗」・追加「里苏特‧涅罗」的「JOJO辞典」「模组鉴赏」「音效测试」「美术鉴赏」・于游戏内的商店追加「里苏特·涅罗」的收藏道具 发布者 Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. 开发者 CyberConnect2 Co., Ltd. 功能 多人...
这款Mod将默认装备替换为JoJo的Risotto Nero的Outfit 所属游戏:鬼泣5 作者:Nerozation 安装方法: 1.下载Modmanager 2.将下载的压缩包解压到“[modmanager] \ Games \ DMC5 \ Mods”中 3.在modmanager中勾选启用Mod 4.进游戏就可以看到效果了 文件说明 ...