JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険~7人目のスタンド使い~) is a turn-based RPG non-profitable fangame based on the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise, developed by Clayman. The game was released on 2014 in Japanese and had an English translation released...
Guardian of the Ears and Right Arm (Sugar Mountain) Manga Debut:Steel Ball RunChapter 45:The Promised Land: Sugar Mountain, Part 1 Main article:Sugar Mountain (Stand) The StandSugar Mountain, bound to aGreat Tree, is the Guardian of the Ears and Right Arm. It appoints human guardians to...
Vanilla Ice's Stand, Cream is able to devour itself and its user to become a void that devours everything it comes in contact with.[6] Vanilla describes it as a dimension of darkness, though he is unsure himself where exactly the objects are sent to. While in this dimension, Vanilla an...
Though Doppio has convinced Risotto that his fear and cowardice were genuine, Risotto notices that Doppio reacted to the sound of Aerosmith patrolling the area, and figures out that he's a Stand User. Doppio once again attacks Risotto, but it is then that razor blades suddenly appear in his...
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When Joseph tries to use Hermit Purple on a television in order to detect DIO from Singapore, his Stand shows him random TV programs. One of these shows the cover of Tom Petty's debut solo album, Full Moon FeverW, and another shows an advert from MTV's prime in the 1980s. The Tom...
Seth is the shadowlike stand of Alessi, which is fought alongside him in Luxor. Anyone who stands in it is made younger.
模板:Infobox stand Name-justin于2年前修改了此页面。被搬运1次。 赤红花冠 Red Garland レッド・ガーランド 基本信息 本体预设名赤塚 替身类型近距离力量型 元出处William "Red" Garland———前职业为拳击手的爵士钢琴家 登场信息 性格诊断 沉默而冷靜,有重量感又落落大方的人。 堅持不懈踏踏實實地完成每...
The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News New Images And Clip From F. Gary Gray’s Straight Outta Compton; “Compton: A Soundtrack” Available August 7th (Clockwise from top left)DJ Yella,Ice Cube,Mc Ren,Dr. Dre,Corey HawkinsasDr. Dre,Aldis HodgeasMc Ren,Jason Mitchellas Eazy-e, O’Shea Ja...
the spikes below. Kars faces Joseph in a final standoff with his arm blade, but is soundly beaten as Joseph'sRipplebreaks the blade and wounds his arm, knocking him off the railing and into the spikes below. Stroheim and his Nazi troops arrive along withSpeedwagon,Smokeyand the Speedwagon...