Kira is one of the few characters who express the belief that there is a kind of fated connection betweenStandusers.[20] Abilities Stand Main article:Killer Queen (JoJolion) Kira'sStandis Killer Queen, with the ability to generate bubbles that explode on contact. Part of this Stand is fused...
Birth Name Josefumi KujoYoshikage Kira Namesake* Josuke (Yasuho's dog)[1]Josuke Higashikata (Part 4 Protagonist)Stand Soft & Wet Profile Age 19[2] Birthday August 19, 2011[3]1991-1992[4] (Body) Gender Nationality Japanese Favorites Food Large Fries[5] Other Information ...
Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) vs. Yoshikage Kira Player starts with 50% health. Win within a count of 60. (1500G) Use the "Star Platinum, The World!" style (1000G):Once you have 1.5 HH Gauge, double tap and press to activate the style. It will only land and consume HH Gauge, if you ...
4 Site NavigationSummaryKira calls his boss, informing him that he'll be late for work under the guise of punishing his child. In reality, Kira begins to hunt through the neighborhood for Josuke, Okuyasu, and Hayato. He laments that with Josuke indoors, it'll be harder to target him with...
January 30, 1966 Yoshikage Kira's Birthday January 5, 1981: Buso Poker January 1, 1987: JJBA Chapter 1 (Cover) January 4, 2013 : JoJo vs. The Ultimate Life-Form (Episode) January 30, 2013: Blu-Ray Vol. 1 January 30, 2013: Phantom Blood (Destiny) January 4, 2014: JoJonium Vol....
Holy settled in Japan, marrying into the Kira family and having two children. Her son, Yoshikage Kira, underwent an equivalent exchange with Josefumi Kujo, resulting in the creation of Josuke, who was adopted into the Higashikata family in 2011. The JOJOLands features the children of Barbara...
Jolyne Cujoh Jojo Part 6 Atham 7. 迪奥 DIO JOJO 孟婆干杯 8. JOJO - Stardust Crusaders Fluffyball 9. Jolyne Joestar FireSoul0902 10. |Giorno Giovanna | JJBA| zetch 11. JOJO石之海STONE OCEAN 孟婆干杯 12. {吉良吉影}{ Yoshikage Kira }{ジョジョの奇妙な冒険}{ Jojo'sBizarre Adventure }...
Josuke's going to be wondering how Kira isn't dead. 1 G GioGio Jan 28, 2014 #4 Might as well post the snippets I put on the Misc. Loop Thread. This one stars our quintessential British Gentleman & Protagonist of Part 1: Jonathan Joestar. 1.1 Jonathan watched as Dio Brando jumped...
Part: 4, Diamond is Unbreakable User: Yoshikage Kira Namesake: A Queen song As cute as it is threatening, Killer Queen is a disturbing Stand with multiple abilities. Firstly, it can create mini bombs capable of entirely decimating an opponent upon contact. Secondly, it can (when equipped ...
Kira has three different hairstyles, so let’s go over them one by one! His blonde look is closer to Pale Blonde or Light Blonde depending on the reference. Our Miles style comes in Pale Blonde, and it has a skin top that allows you to part it at the center. If you want a lace ...