He appears as a Campaign Support Character in All-Star Battle where he can randomly appear to find a boss for the player. Dog-Loving Boy Manga Debut: Chapter 223: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 38: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, ...
—Jean Pierre Polnareff to J. Geil, Chapter 145: "Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6"Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ Jan Piēru Porunarefu) is a core ally and Stand user in Stardust Crusaders. He reappears in Vento Aureo as a side character and ally. ...
For a similar character, see Part 7 SpoilersDiego Brando Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー, Dio Burandō), known as DIO (ディオ) from Part 3 onwards, is the main antagonist in the original universe of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, featured primarily as the ma
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 TSKR Spin-Offs Other Works This is a list of minor characters featured in theJoJo's Bizarre Adventureseries and related media. Most characters in this section have very little information to warrant a character page, usually due to lack...
Risotto is the only antagonist from Part 5 who doesn't appear in the game as an enemy in Super Story or any Story Drama, presumably because he did not actually fight any of the protagonists in the original narrative. However, his character model can be seen in the Gallery Mode. And the...
穆彻·穆勒,漫画《JOJO的奇妙冒险》及其衍生作品中的角色,登场于第六部《JOJO的奇妙冒险:石之海》。G.D.st监狱的女性首席看守,有着卷金发和白皮肤。通称“穆穆”,受白蛇委托伪装成囚犯并利用替身防止犯人逃跑,被誉为是监狱最强的守卫。角色形象 身份背景 G.D.st监狱的女性主任看守,25岁。通称:穆穆。她...
3. Jean Pierre Polnareff's legendary pose (Stardust Crusaders) Polnareff pulled one of the most iconic JoJo poses (Image via David Production). Jean Pierre Polnareff's personality, charisma, and fantastic fighting prowess made him a very popular character in the third part,Stardust Crusaders, wi...
Caesar A. Zeppeli will be added as a playable character in the battle royale game, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Last Survivor, in December 2024. JoJo’s Bizarre AdventureMerchandiseNewsVento Aureo Second JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind Perfume Collaboration ...
《JOJO的奇妙冒险:石之海》是作者荒木飞吕彦著作的JOJO的奇妙冒险系列第6部漫画作品。简体中文电子版由哔哩哔哩漫画代理发布。漫画单行本由集英社出版。剧情简介 徐伦19岁的时候,发生了交通事故……事发后,徐伦的男友及其律师设计将责任完全推到了徐伦身上。无辜的徐伦就这样被关进了监狱。在查看母亲送来的物品的时候...