Koichi's Stand, Echoes, starts off with ACT1, which hasn't come out of its egg yet. As Part Four progressed, Echoes hatches and evolves, giving Koichi new abilities to use. By the end of Part Four, Echoes gains ACT2 and ACT3. He is able to willingly call upon Echoes' previous ...
Koji Hirose (広瀬 康司, Hirose Kōji) is a secondary ally featured in the light novel JORGE JOESTAR. He is an incarnation of Koichi Hirose living in Morioh in the 37th universe. Koji is a Stand user who wields Blue Thunder, a Stand that can generate helicopter rotors on his or ...
Keicho surrounds Josuke and Koichi with his Bad Company. When Josuke sends a couple of nails at him, Bad Company effortlessly shoots down the projectiles. Since Koichi has become a Stand user, Keicho is now interested in his ability tells him to summon his Stand. When Koichi takes too ...
JoJosapiens (ジョジョサピエンス, Jojosapiensu) is a Stand designed by Hirohiko Araki in commemoration of the opening of Hirohiko Araki JoJo Exhibition: Ripples of Adventure. The Stand appertains to a fan participation project of the same name. JoJosapien
Ikkyu (一究, Ikkyū) is the main antagonist of the one-shot Millionaire Village. He is a boy working as a butler in the Millionaire Village and welcomes Rohan and Izumi when they arrive to buy a mansion.
Just before Koichi is shot with the Arrow, Morioh has already 81 disappearance cases, including 45 children, which is eight times the mean of Japanese cities of similar size.[240] Koichi Hirose gains a Stand after being pierced by Keicho's Bow and Arrow and healed by Josuke. Keicho Nijimu...
Koichi owns a dog named Police, a reference to the band of the same nameW. During the Let's Go Out for Italian arc, Okuyasu compares the harmony between mozzarella and tomato to a Simon & GarfunkelW duet. In The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day Takuma Hasumi's Stand is...
This is an explanation of an inconsistent phenomenon occurring in JoJo Bizarre Adventure's Stands and their Users. See the Stand Type page for Stand Evolution, a similar phenomenon. Many Stands, being physically and mentally tied to their users, have dis
Ghiaccio (ギアッチョ, Giatcho) is a tertiary antagonist featured in the fifth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Vento Aureo, specifically the "White Album" story arc. He is also a primary ally in the short story "There's No Love Like a Paren
Scolippi is a sculptor who gets involved with Team Bucciarati and particularly Guido Mista, as his girlfriend's father accuses him of murdering her and requests the gang to avenge her. Scolippi wields the Stand Rolling Stones, which predicts the death of others. 目录...