JoJo Siwa has defended 10-year-old influencer Everleigh Rose after the YouTube star's viral 'Like Taylor Swift' song was slammed by Reddit commenters.
We agree with Wolfgang Van Halen — the Sammy Hagar-era of Van Halen doesn’t seem to get enough respect, because some really great music came out of that lineup. “Right Now” is a perfect example of the strength Van Halen had with Hagar behind the mic, along with Eddie Van Halen’...
Surprisingly, what made it so bad wasn’t the subject matter, it was that it wasn’t even good comedy. How do you mess up talking about sex –something that is inherently funny– unless you are the world’s worst group of comedians in the world? These jokes practically write themselves,...
No one other than reddit has the right to modify the terms applicable to Covered Code created under this License. 6.3 Derivative Works. If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code governed...
Snagged this off reddit, but original artist unknown (let me know if this is yours) L: block doesn't disappear when level hits three digits Greatly increased the speed and performance of spin tiles Can cut the grass on the plateau tileset Initiating the Pokemon Tower rival battle will...
Every subreddit I go through has a vermin-like underclass of JoJo fanboys. They all just have to say “iS THat A JOJo ReFErEncE??!!!1” on every fucking post that contains a single word that may have been used in the shitty comics. Oh, a suspicious link? Probably a rickroll. NOPE...