jojo的奇妙冒险第三部星尘斗士Iggy 伊奇大战Dio宠物狗 重磅刺绣短袖古巴领衬衫。 大心与微风 362 0 Iggy伊奇 jojo的奇妙冒险联名glamb随性穿搭 大心与微风 896 0 glamb联名jojo的奇妙冒险石之海系列安波里欧复古条纹针织鸡心领毛衣 大心与微风 3254 1 ...
That man turned out to be none other than JoJo's Bizzare Adventure's Rohan Kishibe, shocking a great number of fans since Rohan wasn't known to exist in this universe. While Rohan has yet to detect the intruders in his house, a mysterious cat appeared right around the time of the break...
Jonathan is depicted standing tall in the sun, while Dio is depicted against darker colors, lounging on a stone throne. And of course, the final long note of “JoOOOOOOOO-JO!” remains iconic to fans of JoJo's Bizzare Adventure over ten years later.Subscribe to our newsletter Share Tweet...