contemplated under the Joint Venture Agreement. Other key terms of the Joint Venture Agreement include, among others: Business: The business of Yuzhou Properties (Hefei) Eastern Town shall be property development and management of the land parcel E1311 located at Feidong County, Hefei, Anhui Provin...
This Joint Venture Agreement BY AND BETWEEN … 热度: JOINTVENTUREAGREEMENT THISAGREEMENTismadeonthe[DAY]of[MONTH][YEAR]BETWEEN: OR BETWEEN: [NAMEOFJV1]of[ADDRESSOFJV1]withcompanyregistrationnumber[CONUMBER1] ("theFirstJointVenturer");and
甲方:___公司 乙方:___公司 (加盖公章) (加盖公章) 授权代表__(签字) 授权代表__(签字) THE CONTRACT FOR SINO-FOREIGN COOPERATIVE JOINT VENTURE Chapter 1 General Provisions In accordance with the Law of the People\'s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures and other ...
Fillable Joint Venture Agreement. Collection of most popular forms in a given sphere. Fill, sign and send anytime, anywhere, from any device with pdfFiller
Selection of a good local partner is the key to the success of any joint venture. Once a partner is selected generally a Memorandum of Understanding or a Letter of Intent is signed by the parties highlighting the basis of the future joint venture agreement.A Memorandum of Understanding and a ...
1. Party B agrees to grant Joint Venture the following exclusive licences: (1) An exclusive license to manufacture, use and sell Licensed Product under Party B's Patents according to the terms and conditions of the Patent License Agreement attached hereto. ...
1、编号 : _Joint Venture Agreement甲 方: _乙 方: _签订日期: _年_月_日本协议于年月日签订。签约第一方:公司,该公司系中国公司,在中国注册(以下简称甲方);签约第二方:公司,系美国公司,在美国注册(以下简称乙方)。ThisAgreementmadethisdayof,byCorporationhereinaftercalledPartyA,aChinesecorporationhavingits...
Joint Venture Agreement标准范本协议编号:LX-FS-A23034 After Negotiation On A Certain Issue, An Agreement Is Reached And A Clause With Economic Relationship Is Concluded, So As To Protect Their Respective Legitimate Rights And Interests. 编写:___ 审批:___ 时间:___年___月___日 A4打印/ 新修...
Joint Venture Agreement 第十六条 协议的修改 article 16 amendment 本协议的修改,必须经甲乙双主同意,签署书面协议,并报中华人民共和国主管部门批准。 this agreement may be amended during the duration of this agreement by the parties, provided that such amendment shall be in writing and signed by both ... See similar contracts (1) Alternatively, you can try searching for similar contracts: Search across the entire databaseTry a Law Insider membership today!Start 7 Day Trial for US$1 Tools to Draft Better...