Joint Chiefs of Staff joint civil-military operations task force joint combat search and rescue operation joint combined exchange training Joint committee joint communications control center joint communications network joint compound joint concept joint consultation ...
The Joint Staff Director, Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate (J5), approved a new Joint... S Townsend 被引量: 2发表: 2017年 Amphibious Operations, Joint Publication 3-02 Amphibious Operations, Joint Publication 3-02 米統合参謀本部 , 後瀉 桂太郎 海幹校戦略研究 = Japan Maritime Self-Def...
Joint Publication 5-0, Joint PlanningThe Joint Staff Director, Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate (J5), approved a new Joint...Townsend, SteveJoint Publication5-0 Joint Planning[EB/OL]. (2017-01-17) [2017-6-16]. pubs/ jp5 0.pdf....