Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) Learning Management System (LMS) NIPRNET User Account Instructions 1 As of 21 June 2012 Accessing tAs of June
Until now, most knowledge on ADDR among children and adolescents comes from studies performed on Caucasian subjects.CarolinaDepartmentMarpaungDepartmentMauritsDepartmentK.DepartmentA.DepartmentvanDepartmentSelmsDepartmentFrankDepartmentLobbezooDepartmentWiley
Until now, most knowledge on ADDR among children and adolescents comes from studies performed on Caucasian subjects.doi:10.1111/ipd.12426Marpaung Carolinavan Selms Maurits K. A.Lobbezoo FrankInternational Journal of Paediatric Dentistry
The aforementioned methods break the training process into two stages, where the model is trained first on the auxiliary task and then the obtained knowledge is utilized by the main task. Alternatively, another line of work proposes training on the auxiliary task jointly with the main task to be...
The PN padding structure can not only contribute to the frame synchronization but also improve the spectrum efficiency due to the perfect knowledge of PN sequence that can be obtained in advance. The baseband symbol rate Ts for both FH and FB is 7.56 MS/s. Figure 2. DTMB signal: (a) ...
2 Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China 3 State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China; 4 Department of Computer Science and ...