Understanding and the Human Domain: The Loss of Singapore 1942 Chapter 4 The Implications of Understanding Introduction 4-1 Ethos, Philosophy and Culture 4-1 Enhanced Decision-Making 4-3 Conclusion 4-8 Lexicon Part 1 – Acronyms and Abbreviations Lexicon-1 Part 2 – Terms and Definitions Lexicon...
military core doctrine for the standardization and improvement of joint terminology definitions in the military for use in the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), federal agencies, and military communications. It says that the joint publication (JP) 1-02, the "DOD Dictionary of Military and ...
subunifiedcommands,jointtaskforces,subordinatecomponentsofthesecommands,andtheServices. b.Theguidanceinthispublicationisauthoritative;assuch,thisdoctrinewillbefollowedexcept when,inthejudgmentofthecommander,exceptionalcircumstancesdictateotherwise.Ifconflictsarise ...
land, maritime, and space is essential in contemporary conflict. In NATO doctrine, the term “joint operations” refers to military actions “in which elements of at least two services participate.” While doctrinal definitions differ slightly across Western militaries, the basic premise remains that ...
Joint and several liability is a legal doctrine applying in some states that allows an injured person to sue and recover from any one or more of several wrongdoers at his or her option, regardless of that wrongdoer's degree of negligence.
Second, the proposed rule wholly abandons the most important limiting principle contained in Browning-Ferris: that to establish joint-employer status, it is necessary to show that “the putative joint employer possesses sufficient control over employees’ ...
McInnis. 11 For detailed definitions of each of these terms, see Department of Defense, DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms , Washington, DC, /Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/pubs/dictionary.pdf. Congressional Research Service 2 Joint All -Domain Command and Control: Background and ...
Or they could have converted their contractors to employees, but done it on their own terms, without the government telling them how they have to operate their business. Now, as part of their settlements, these companies are forced to allow the government to monitor and dictate how they intera...
Full exploitation of the information concepts established in Joint Vision 2010 and enabled by the JBI can be realized only when joint doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, and people are adapted to the new environment. 21 Chapter 2: An Operator's View of the Joint Battlespace ...
The terms "sole custody" and "joint custody" are somewhat generic. They represent categories of custody, but custody itself is best understood as a continuum, as unique as the parents who divorce. Imagine a continuum with parents who are completely cooperative at one end and a single parent ...