military core doctrine for the standardization and improvement of joint terminology definitions in the military for use in the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), federal agencies, and military communications. It says that the joint publication (JP) 1-02, the "DOD Dictionary of Military and ...
As a former Assistant State's Attorney, he has gained experience in prosecuting over 20,000 cases for the State of Maryland and has a detailed understanding of all Maryland court procedures. His extensive, training and experience will fully maximize your rights and potential to win your child cu...
Joint and several liability is a legal doctrine applying in some states that allows an injured person to sue and recover from any one or more of several wrongdoers at his or her option, regardless of that wrongdoer's degree of negligence.
Finally, relevant journal articles that have not been indicated by the databases (‘false negatives’) because of the databases’ partial incompleteness, or because some authors used closely related terms (cooperative or collaborative ventures; e.g., Lorange,1986; Tallman & Shenkar,1994; Chi & ...
United Kingdom, Joint Doctrine Publication 0-01.1 Glossary of Joint and Multinational Terms and Definitions (June 2006) p. D-4.MoDUK ( 2006 ), Joint Doctrine Publication 3‐90: Civil‐Military Co‐operation , DCDC MoD , Shrivenham .