In the past years, there have been many advances –but also many debates– around mutualistic communities, whose structural features appear to facilitate mutually beneficial interactions and increase biodiversity, under some given population dynamics. Ho
the lack of an additive term makes it incapable of capturing the parallel components after MO27. The concept of the multiplicative model originated from gain-modulation50,51, and a work regarding the question of whether the neural response was constructed with nonlinear interactions between parameters...
With the notations shown on the figure, we obtain for the example of Figure 15.1: qXYM=t1+tl3+12t2. This example also illustrates that the probabilistic relation associated to a random vector pairwisely coupled by TM, can still be regarded as a graded version of the concept of stochastic...
Masahiro Hoso ( takes responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from the inception of the study to the final drafting of the article. Competing interest statement The authors report that they have no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are ...
Furthermore, therapeutic strategies for mitochondrial transplantation in degenerative joint diseases are synthesized, and the concept of engineered mitochondrial transplantation is proposed.Introduction Degenerative joint diseases encompass a range of age-related disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system, with ...
Development of recommendations for SEMG sensors and sensor placement procedures. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2000;10(5):361 – 74. Hing W, Hall T, Rivett D, Vicenzino B, Mulligan B. The Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy-eBook: Textbook of Techniques. Sydney: Elsevier, 2014. Chen CL, Chen...
Other patients generally form a habitual occlusion position without any symptoms or signs of TMDs for a long time, which was known as the adapted centric posture. CR is a necessary concept in reaching ideally aligned condyle-disc assemblies [25]. Well-adapted TMJ allows function with comfort ...
Postoperative measures were implemented for anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, and thrombosis prevention purposes, along with rehabilitation exercises following the ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) concept.(Fig. 2). Fig. 2 (A) After the incision of the joint capsule was made, a large amount ...
This is very meaningful because it shows that: first, the method of low-level feature separation and high-level concept fusion is effective; second, entity role attributes can be identified as key labels for triple extraction. Table 3 Main results, where the bolded marks are the highest scores...
Joint distraction of the knee has been most extensively studied, with these studies showing prolonged symptomatic improvement in combination with repair of cartilage tissue in degenerated knee joints, supporting the concept that cartilage repair can translate into real clinical benefit. The reversal of ...