The Joint Chiefs Band is a premier dance band in California, captivating audiences with electrifying performances and infectious grooves. Element of Classic R&B, Funk and Soul,creating a signature sound that keeps the dance floor alive and pulsating. ...
插销螺栓. jointpipe 接合管. ②联合的;共有的;共同的; ajointaccount (银行所立的夫妻)联合帐户. jointauthors 合著者. jointefforts 共同努力. jointexercises (manoeuvre) 联合演习. theJointChiefs of Staff [美]参谋长联席会议. ajointcommuniqué (statement) ...
Joint Chiefs of Staff joint civil-military operations task force joint combat search and rescue operation joint combined exchange training Joint committee joint communications control center joint communications network joint compound joint concept joint consultation ...
as of August 28, 2004, with emphasis on the promotional campaign of Atlantic Records for the reissue of "Kamikaze," by Twista. Features of the music release; Other rap projects of Atlantic; Story behind the reunion of the band, the Guy; Public opening of the RPM International Studios in ...
was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Army Staff between 1996 and 1998 and Pakistan’s Ambassador [...] 1996 年至 1998 年期间,卡拉麦特将军担任参谋 长联席会 议主 席兼陆军参谋长,并于2004 年至 2006 年担任巴基斯坦驻美国大使。
Mr. Secretary, thank you for joining us. Proud to be here with Secretary Bob Gates and Becky. I thank Pete Geren,Acting4Secretary of the Army. I appreciate so very much General Pete Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; General George Casey, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. You all ...
Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey called the surge in insider attacks "a very serious threat to the campaign." In addition, two Marines were killed and eight fighter jets destroyed by enemy fighters who penetrated a heavily fortified base. ...
JBAB is home to several ceremonial units including the USAF Honor Guard, the USAF Band and the Navy Ceremonial Guard. Ceremonial support is provided by the base units to the White House, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Air Force Chief of Staffand the Secretary of t...
Martin E. Dempsey,Chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff, the joint concerts between The U.S. Army Band [...] 根据参谋长联系会议主席马丁·登普西上将所说,美国陆军军乐团“潘兴军乐团”和人民解放军军乐团的联合音乐会是“我们建立持续、可靠的军方 间接触项目的共...
Martin E. Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the joint concerts between The U.S. Army Band [...] 根据参谋长联系会议主席马丁·登 普西上将所说,美国陆军军乐团“潘兴军乐团”和人民解放军军乐团的联合音乐会是“我们建立持续、可靠的军方 间接触项目的共同努力的结...