2019年,美军在联合全域作战概念基础上提出联合全域指挥与控制(Joint All-Domain Command and Control,JADC2),目的是创建一种各军种各维度传感器与武器系统相联结的'物联网',并借助自动化与人工智能、云环境与新通信方式来改进决策。所谓联合全域指挥与控制,美空军作战综合能力办公室给出的定义为:“将来自全域所有部队...
Ultimately enabling Joint All-Domain Operations (JADO), the U.S. Department of Defense’s vision of Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) will connect sensors and shooters across all military services into a single network. The Combined aspect integrates the multi-domain operation...
美国国会服务处joint-all-domain-command-and-control-background-and-issues-for-congress-march-18-2021.pdf,Joint All-Domain Command and Control: Background and Issues for Congress March 18, 2021 Congressional Research Service R46725 SUMMARY R46725 Joint All
April 6, 2020 Defense Capabilities: Joint All Domain Command and Control What is Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2)? The increased speed and reach of war combined with an exponential growth in available data led the Chief of Staff of the Air Fo
Mission Assurance in Joint All-Domain Command and ControlAir & Space Power Journal
See how our integrated, software defined, multi-level secure, open-architecture capabilities will help enable the Joint All Domain Command and Control imperative for the Department of Defense. We’re at the Forefront of Military Technological Advancement with the Joint Force ...
And in some ways, the joint all-domain command and control, or JADC2, concept is the Defense Department's MacGuffin - it's not clear what it is or what it looks like, but it has become one of the driving forces of military modernization and transformation. The bumper sticker for JADC2...
JWCC is an important step forward for defense modernization and will support key force development priorities such as Joint All-Domain Command and Control, or JADC2 (PDF), and the DOD artificial intelligence and data acceleration initiative, commonly referred to as ADA (PDF) At Oracle, we look...
McConville said at the Army Firepower Conference on October 1st, "We will have all the sensors, suitable shooters, and the right command and control capabilities to provide us with unprecedented battlefield speed and depth. McConville said that the key to the Army's contribution to JADC2 is...
In the last two years there have been some dramatic changes in command and control systems due to the rapidly changing technology and a new vision for joint command and control. The visionary concepts are defined in C4I for the Warrior. The Global Command and Control System is the realization...