5.To become a part or member of:joined the photography club. 6.To come into the company of:joined the group in the waiting room. 7.To participate with in an act or activity:The committee joins me in welcoming you. 8.To adjoin:where the garage joins the house. ...
2.(nuclear) The action which sets off a chain reaction in a fissile mass which has reached the critical state (generally by the emission of a "spurt" of neutrons). Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. ...
The US military has bases all over the world. So, there’s a good chance you’ll get to see a few of the countries they are stationed in and a whole lot more of the United States itself. Joining with a College Degree If you have a college degree, there are distinct advantages you ...
Many kids in club soccer programs take advantage of camps at colleges; these are a lot of fun and experiences kids will always remember. Besides, for the high school age players it is a great opportunity to visit a college, sleep in a dorm and get to experience just a little about colle...
However, the grand challenges facing us are arduous in the under-liquid joining. Let us take underwater wet welding for example, the high working temperature of 500 to 800 °C and the resulting ultrahigh cooling rate would cause the deterioration of mechanical performance of welded region6,18...
the resident would be need to fulfill both the STRAP and HPLRP obligation. The obligation for the HPLRP would be paid in the year that it is taken and STRAP payback would begin after the HPLRP is exhausted or upon graduation from residency, whichever comes last. So if you had the Guard...
Building the anti-asteroid weapons that will keep us safe Whatever findings are gathered from this project will ultimately form the basis of some kind of planetary defense system in the years to come. “Everything that we will find will be new information,” Greus said. “Based on the new ...
Wong was elected as an Executive Chairman of the Hong Kong Industrial & Commercial Association (香港工商總會) and as a Founding Chairman of the Happy Hong Kong Charity Foundation (築福香港慈善基金會). Mr. Wong received the 2010 Fellowship Award from Asian College of Knowledge Management and an...
2. the enclosure in which horses are saddled and mounted before a race. v.t. 3. to confine in a paddock. [1615–20; appar. alter. of dial. parrock, Middle English; Old English pearroc enclosure, orig. fence. See park] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © ...
fol. by with): Join with us in our campaign. 14. to take part with others (often fol. by in). 15. to be contiguous or close; adjoin. 16. to enlist in one of the armed forces (often fol. by up). 17. to meet in battle or conflict. n. 18. a joining. 19. a ...