Unruly Princes shown who is boss by all-action Edward ; Hairdresser learns how to drill his pugs by joining Canadian armyFaye McBride
Discusses the possible economic advantages of a union between Canada and the United States. Value of the Canadian dollar, as compared with its American counterpart; Discussion of the air travel industry in Canada; Discussion of agriculture and forestry; Outlook for the border between the countries....
The Kathleen Vellacott-Jones Collection consists of slides, black and white photographs, 16mm film and publications from the Territory of Papua and New Guinea dating from 1954 to 1969.Canadian journalist Kathleen Vellacott-Jones was born in Somerset, England and grew up in Saskatchewan, Canada. Betw...
She isn’t instantly cured – but now she has someone to help her continue on the recovery road. They head off to the Canadian Rockies to carry out her mission. A simple matter you would think – but there has been a seemingly unconnected story bubbling along in the background about a ...
I was born Lisa Renée Guy on September 19, 1955 in Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. On that day I was given a certificate proudly acknowledging my birth under the flag, which encouraged me to appreciate the ancient and honorable title of being an “Army Brat.” By the time I was five my paren...
Hey, hey, don’t knock it before you try it. With a population of half a billion, Facebook is now the world’s third largest country. A country without an army, or taxes, or a tea party, or even an athem… Go to My Awate, click the RSS feed and let the stream of awatistas...