Users expressly agree that no other Disputes shall be consolidatedorjoined withyourDispute, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise. 用戶明確同意,其他任何爭端不應與您的爭端並案處理,無論是透過集體仲裁還是其他方式。
The meaning of JOIN is to put or bring together so as to form a unit. How to use join in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Join.
butted (on or against) contacted connected (with) verged (on) attached (to) embraced bounded communicated (with) linked (with) encircled converged enclosed inclosed fenced rimmed margined 2as in enteredto become a member of we're always looking for new people to join ...
1.To put or bring together so as to make continuous or form a unit:join two boards with nails; joined hands in a circle. 2.To put or bring into close association or relationship:two families that were joined by marriage; join forces. ...
wer e trained with th e help o f at least thre e instructors A. T wo instructors trained th e young soldiers by setting th e exampl e in person. B. Thomas volunteered to answer th e instruc or's question C. T homas answered th e question after think ing carefully for a few ...
been plannedtoadjointhemwithaview to minimizing the nuisance caused by the repeated works. 此外,當個別路段將會與計劃中的新建道路連 接,我們會在可行的情況下,調動該路段的隔音屏障工程 的優先次序配合新建道路工程,以減少工程重複為鄰近居民帶來的滋擾。
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook hip (redirected fromjoined at the hip) Thesaurus Medical Idioms Encyclopedia Related to joined at the hip:shooting from the hip hip1 (hĭp) n. 1. a.The laterally projecting prominence of the pelvis or pelvic region from th...
Ligatures are joined or decorative characters that are available in some fonts. Not all fonts contain ligatures, but many OpenType fonts contain ligatures, as well as some Apple fonts, such as Apple Chancery and Zapfino. When ligatures are turned on, all ligatures in the document are...
If your requirement is to add in the middle of your attributed string and you want to add "," in each word of your attributed string with the shading attributes as well. So in this case you need to first convert your attributed string into string and then you need to store your...
Signup today to find and contact suppliers, post buying leads and connect with trusted importers and exporters from around the world. More than 350,000 members have already joined. 为自由加入! 找到和与供应商,岗位购买主角联系和世界各地连接的今天Signup用被信任的进口商和出口商。 超过350,000名成员...