joinder of parties A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 词条 中文 当事人的合并 解释 指将具有相同权利请求的多人或对之提出同样权利请求的多人合并为一件诉讼的共同原告或共同被告。 ◎ 本单元获元照授权
Related to Joinder of Parties:Impleader join·der (join′dər) n. 1.LawA joining of causes of action or parties in a single lawsuit. 2.The act of joining. [From Frenchjoindre,to join, from Old French; seejoin.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition....
joinder of parties【法】 多方合并诉讼文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: Game Analysis of Joinder Mechanism in Securities Civil Actions中文: 证券民事诉讼中共同诉讼机制的博弈分析 英文: On the bases of Joinder of Punishments for Plural Crimes中文: 试论数罪并罚的根据——兼论我国数罪并罚...
网络合并当事人 网络释义 1. 合并当事人 WTO短语J-L - WTO英语 -... ... Japanese Measures on Leather 日本皮革措施案Joinder of other Parties合并当事人...|基于 1 个网页
JOINDER OF PARTIES TO ACTIONS. It is a rule in actions ex contractu that all who have a legal interest in the contract, and no others, must join in action founded on a breach of such contract; whether the parties are too many or too few, it is equally fatal. 8 S. & R. 308: 4...
misjoinder of parties【法】 诉讼当事人的不当联合 misjoinder of causes【法】 不同讼案的错误合并 CONTRACTING PARTIES缔约成员大会 关税暨贸易总协议(*GATT)原系由「国际贸易组织」(*ITO)宪章第四章「商业政策」衍生而成,GATT系ITO的一部分。因ITO未获美国的支持而终告不成立,而使GATT成为非法律性( ...
Collective Actions and Joinder of Parties in Arbitration: Implications of DR Horton and ConcepcionWell over a century ago, legal and policy analysts realized that the days of purely individual action in matters of business and labor were over, and that legalSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
misjoinder of parties 英文misjoinder of parties 中文【法】 诉讼当事人的不当联合
misjoinder of parties 【法】 诉讼当事人的不当联合 相似单词 misjoinder n. [律]不合法的共同诉讼 最新单词 autonomics什么意思及同义词 n. 自动系统程序控制研究 autonomic什么意思及同义词 a. 自治的,自律的 autonavigator的中文意思 自动导航仪; 自动领航仪 autonarcosis的中文意思 自我麻醉 automutil...
Persons who enter into a contract or other transactions are considered parties to the agreement. When a dispute results in litigation, the litigants are called parties to the lawsuit. U.S. law has developed principles that govern the rights and duties of parties. In addition, principles such ...