同学你好: 从代码中看出同学的参数传错导致没有调用线程的join方法,调用的是字符串的join方法 如图: 由于字符串的join方法是需要传参的所以错误提示传参错误。 正确写法如图: 如果我的回答解决了同学的疑惑,欢迎采纳~祝同学学习愉快! 0 qq_阳光_134 提问者 2020-07-14 class Douban_page(threading.Thread): ...
I've tried to followhttps://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html#multiprocessing.pool.multiprocessing.Pool.mapand access the join with timeout. But pool.join(timeout) returns "TypeError: join() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)". I suppose that the one argument is the de...
Sure, I don't mind other functional tests. But for sure we don't want to pursue more changes without having tests that verify the patch. ceph-volume: Fix TypeError: join() takes exactly one argument (2 given) 38f289b sebastian-philippforce-pushedtheceph-volume-fix-joinbranch fromdd0b548...
1 os.path.join takes one or more arguments, but your replacement (lambda str:'test.txt') only takes one. Could that be the cause of the error? If so, you could try lambda s, *args: "test.txt" instead. Share Follow edited Jul 5, 2018 at 11:10 answered Jul 4, 2018 at 20...
Returns a table with the values for all record versions that were opened and closed within the specified time range defined by the two datetime values for the CONTAINED IN argument. Rows that became active exactly on the lower boundary or ceased being active exactly on the upper boundary are ...
Returns a table with the values for all record versions that were opened and closed within the specified time range defined by the two datetime values for the CONTAINED IN argument. Rows that became active exactly on the lower boundary or ceased being active exactly on the upper boundary are ...
Can someone explain just exactly why xp_cmdshell is such a massive risk?! Can SQL Profiler give you the Missing Index information? Can Symmetric keys be used in a view? Can table-valued parameter be null? Can the "print" command be told not to send a "newline"? Can we alias name fo...
ERROR:Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'DriveLetter'. Cannot convert value "$DriveLetter" to type "System.Char". Error: "String must be exactly one character long." escape the single quote inside an insert statement Escaping a dollar sign in a string Escaping forward slashes ...
string.Join would be a cool feature to have now and then. Some database engines support this with an aggregate function, others such as SQL Server need a little hand-holding. Pluses include terser code and less data over the wire when pr...
The CONCAT function takes the values inB1:B7and joins them together to form the model code for each car. The same results with CONCATENATE would require the longer formula below: =CONCATENATE(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7) CONCATENATE vs. CONCAT: Which One Should You Use?