Example 1: Joining string with hyphen ('-') character # s as separator strings="-"# str as sequence of stringsstr=("Hello","World","How are?")# join and print the stringprint(s.join(str)) Output Hello-World-How are? Example 2: Joining string with spaces, a student detail is pro...
Similarly, to join a set of strings in python use the set as an argument to the join() method. The below example uses the space separator toconvert a set to a string. Note that you should have a set with strings, using join() on a set with numbers also returns an error. # Create...
Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the iterable iterable. A TypeError will be raised if there are any non-string values in iterable, including bytes objects. The separator between elements is the string providing this method. 歌词大意: 返回一个以str为连接符连接iterable...
spit()方法的使用格式为: string.split(separator, limit); 其中,string是要拆分的原始字符串;separator是分隔符,可以是一个固定的字符串或者一个正则表达式;limit是可选参数,用于限制返回的子串数量。 例如,假设有以下字符串: var str = "JavaScript is a powerful programming language."; 如果我们想根据空格分隔...
Python # Python program to demonstrate the# use ofjoinfunction tojoinlist# elements with a character.list1 = ['1','2','3','4'] s ="-"# joins elements of list1 by '-'# and stores in sting ss = s.join(list1)#joinuse tojoina list of# strings to a separator sprint(s) ...
string.split(separator, limit); 其中,string是要拆分的原始字符串;separator是分隔符,可以是一个固定的字符串或者一个正则表达式;limit是可选参数,用于限制返回的子串数量。 例如,假设有以下字符串: var str = "JavaScript is a powerful programming language."; ...
separator:一个字符串,用作分隔符。 iterable:一个可迭代对象,其元素应为字符串。3. 使用 join 方法的示例代码 python # 示例1:连接列表中的字符串元素 list_of_strings = ['Hello', ' ', 'World', '!'] result = ''.join(list_of_strings) print(result) # 输出: Hello World! # 示例2:使用空格...
iterableRequired. Any iterable object where all the returned values are strings More Examples Example Join all items in a dictionary into a string, using the word "TEST" as separator: myDict = {"name":"John","country":"Norway"} mySeparator ="TEST" ...
# strings to a separator s print(s) 输出: 1-2-3-4 示例2:使用空字符串连接 Python实现 # Python program to demonstrate the # use of join function to join list # elements without any separator. # Joining with empty separator list1=['g','e','e','k','s'] ...
Let’s see how to convert List to String by a delimiter in python using join() method, this method can take parameters either list/string/set e.t.c. Advertisements join() is used to join the given variable like string/list into a string. It will join with a separator which we need...