will pick off more Republican supporters and send a stronger signal to the NRA. Trump signaled support for the idea last year after the deadly high school shooting in Parkland, Fla. And so far, three Republicans support the b...
周浩老師工作之餘,是美國 步槍協會 NRA 認證教官,德州 政府認證 LTC 攜槍證教官,曾 經幾度義務主持休斯頓槍友匯的槍支安全操作課程和靶場實戰. 本次周浩老師以日常安全為主題,面向大眾,結合自身經歷,以 及近期發生的震驚全美的拉斯維加斯和德州小鎮教堂大規模槍擊 案,以及就在身邊的休斯頓中石油女員工被搶劫槍殺等...
Corporate NRA partnerships have been a hot topic since the high school massacre in Parkland, Florida. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is cracking down on pharmaceutical companies that have contributed to the nation's opioid crisis. "We will use criminal penalties, we will use civil penalties," ...
but Amazon and Walmart are certainly leading in not supporting the Confederate flag. While the it may be seen as censorship or controversial, I believe Tim Cook has shaped Apple during his tenure to execute such a decision without distracting from the day-t0-day business of running Apple. ...