Learn how to join a Microsoft Teams meeting quickly and easily with just a meeting ID. Once you’re in, explore Teams features to make your meeting successful.
You’re not required to switch between Teams personal use and Teams (work or school). If you join a meeting on Teams for personal use, you’ll join the meeting with your personal Teams account. TheMicrosoft Privacy Statementgoverns data for meetings with personal Teams accounts. Note:Some mee...
TeamsMicrosoft Teams Try it! Join a Microsoft Teams meeting from your calendar, or sign in as a guest on the web. Join a Teams meeting from the app Go to your Teams calendar. Find a meeting and selectJoin. From the pre-join screen: ...
了解只使用會議 ID 快速輕鬆地加入 Microsoft Teams 會議的方式。加入後,您可以探索 Teams 功能來舉辦成功的會議。
When the meeting organizer sets up breakout rooms during a meeting, you’ll be able to discuss meeting items and collaborate with colleagues in a small group setting. You may be moved into your assigned breakout room as soon as the organizer opens the room. Otherwise, you'...
Microsoft Teams Client Library (Latest) Suche Microsoft Teams-Entwicklerdokumentation Was ist neu? Glossar Übersicht Erste Schritte Planen Ihrer App Entwerfen Ihrer App Tools und SDKs Registerkarten erstellen Erstellen von Bots Erstellen von Nachrichtenerweiterungen Erstellen von Apps für Teams-Bespr...
經過Teams 認證的裝置 Teams 會議室和面板 Teams 電話 將您自己的裝置 (BYOD) 空間 SIP 閘道 參考 管理Microsoft Teams 中的應用程式 產業和政府指引 參考 下載PDF 閱讀英文版本 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 分享方式: Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件
Sign in with Microsoft Sign in or create an account.Team and channel topics Create a team Manage a team Join a team Find a team to join Use a link or code to join Invite people to join Learn more about teams Create a channel Manage a channel Send and...
Create a Teams meeting Add the Dynamics 365 app to a Teams meeting Work with the Dynamics 365 app Join a Teams meeting Work with notes during a meeting Work with tasks during a meeting Work with activities during a meeting Share and update Dynamics 365 records within Microsoft Teams conversatio...
Microsoft Teams Client Library (Latest) 搜索 Microsoft Teams 开发人员文档 新变化? 术语表 概述 入门 计划应用 设计应用 工具和 SDK 构建选项卡 构建机器人 构建消息扩展 为Teams 会议和通话构建应用 构建Webhook 和连接器 生成卡和对话框 添加身份验证 集成设备功能 利用Microsoft Graph 及 Teams 数据 跨Micro...