Microsoft Entra Connect 1.1.819.0 版或更新版本。 請勿從您的 Microsoft Entra Connect 同步設定中排除預設裝置屬性。 若要深入了解同步處理至 Microsoft Entra ID 的預設裝置屬性,請參閱 Microsoft Entra Connect 同步處理的屬性。 如果您要已聯結 Microsoft Entra 混合式裝置的電腦物件屬於特定組織單位 (OU),請...
配置并测试 Microsoft Entra 单一登录在本部分中,基于一个名为 Britta Simon 的测试用户配置并测试 的 Microsoft Entra 单一登录。若要运行单一登录,需要在 Microsoft Entra 用户与 中的相关用户之间建立关联。若要配置和测试 的 Microsoft Entra 单一登录,需要完成以下构建基块:...
在本教學課程中,您會在測試環境中設定及測試 Microsoft Entra 單一登入。 支援 由IDP 起始的 SSO 從資源庫新增 join.me若要設定將 整合到 Microsoft Entra ID 中,您需要從資源庫將 新增至受控 SaaS 應用程式清單。若要從資源庫新增,請執行下列步驟:... azureADId:a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1 設定宣告的發行在同盟 Microsoft Entra 組態中,裝置須依賴 AD FS 或 Microsoft 合作夥伴的內部部署同盟服務向 Microsoft Entra 進行驗證。 裝置會進行驗證以取得向 Microsoft Entra 裝置註冊服務 (Azure DRS) 註冊的存取權杖。Windows...
MD-102 2-实现动态部署方法 - Training 使用订阅激活、预配程序包、Microsoft Entra 加入等动态预配方法重新配置现有操作系统。 认证 Microsoft Certified: Identity and Access Administrator Associate - Certifications 演示Microsoft Entra ID 的功能,以将标识解决方案现代化、实现混合解决方案和实现标识治理。 中文...
Sign in to Azure portal or start the Microsoft Entra ID console from the Microsoft 365 admin center as Company Administrator. Move to the directory that the user is trying the join. Locate Users, and then locate the user who cannot perform the Workplace Join operation. Locate ...
We have a number of users on Entra ID joined devices that were prompted to register their devices when signing into teams with another org account. My...
{"__typename":"Theme","id":"customTheme1"},"Category:category:microsoft-entra-id":{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:microsoft-entra-id","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"microsoft-entra-id","nodeType":"category","depth":4,"title":"Microsoft Entra","shortTitle":"Microsof...
Enrich high-fidelity Vectra detections with deep process-level host-context from Microsoft Defender ATP. Take precise and immediate enforcement actions from Vectra closer to the source using Microsoft Defender ATP. And together with Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Vectra enables SOCs to: ...
to Microsoft Entra Domain Services. When a new user is created in Microsoft Entra ID, it will not be synchronized to Microsoft Entra Domain Services until the user changes its password in Microsoft Entra ID. For more information, refer toSynchronization from Microsoft Entra ID to Domain Services...