Een van de jointypen die beschikbaar zijn in het dialoogvenster Samenvoegen in Power Query, is een inner join, die alleen overeenkomende rijen uit zowel de linker- als rechtertabel bevat. Meer informatie: Overzicht van samenvoegbewerkingen...
This article demonstrates, with a practical example, how to do a cross join in Power Query. Sample input and output tables For this example, the sample source tables are: Product: A table with all the generic products that you sell. ...
Table.NestedJoin合并…Join(Power Query 之 M 语言) 数据源: “销量表”和“部门表”两个查找表,每个表中都有“姓名”列 目标: 根据“姓名列”将“部门表”中对应的部门合并到“销量表”中。 操作过程: 选取“销量表”》【主页】》【合并查询】/【将查询合并为新查询】》选取“部门表”》选取匹配列》【确...
Table.NestedJoin合并…Join(Power Query 之 M 语言) 数据源: “销量表”和“部门表”两个查找表,每个表中都有“姓名”列 目标: 根据“姓名列”将“部门表”中对应的部门合并到“销量表”中。 操作过程: 选取“销量表”》【主页】》【合并查询】/【将查询合并为新查询】》选取“部门表”》选取匹配列》【确...
Power Query M 复制 Table.Join( Table.FromRecords({ [CustomerID = 1, Name = "Bob", Phone = "123-4567"], [CustomerID = 2, Name = "Jim", Phone = "987-6543"], [CustomerID = 3, Name = "Paul", Phone = "543-7890"], [CustomerID = 4, Name = "Ringo", Phone = "232-1550...
SELECT DepartmentNumber, DepartmentName, ManagerID, ParentDepartmentNumber FROM DEPARTMENT FOR SYSTEM_TIME CONTAINED IN ('2013-01-01', '2014-01-01') WHERE ManagerID = 5; 下列範例會使用變數 (而不是常值) 來提供查詢的日期界限值。SQL 複製 ...
下面的示例使用 FOR SYSTEM_TIME CONTAINED IN (date_time_literal_or_variable, date_time_literal_or_variable) 参数返回定义期限(从 2013 年 1 月 1 日开始,到 2014 年 1 月 1 日截止,包括上限时间)内的所有开放和关闭的行。 SQL SELECTDepartmentNumber, DepartmentName, ManagerID, ParentDepartmentNumber...
When you add tables to a query, Access creates joins that are based on relationships that have been defined between the tables. You can manually create joins in queries, even if they do not represent relationships that have already been defined. If you use other queries (instead of or in ...