在Teams 中,选择“日历 ”以查看会议。 找到要参加的会议,然后选择“加入”。 无需在 Teams 个人使用和Teams(工作或学校)之间切换。 如果你在 Teams 上加入会议供个人使用,你将使用个人 Teams 帐户加入会议。Microsoft隐私声明管理使用个人 Teams 帐户的会议数据。
Teams & channels Calls & devices Files Apps & services Quick start Chat Group chat Notifications Teams Channels Calls Files Apps Loop components What's new Resources Video training Troubleshoot Here in Teams Accessibility Teams features by platform ...
Join Teams meetings anytime, anywhere, from any device. For the best experience, join from the Teams desktop or mobile apps. If you're having trouble joining a Teams meeting, try these tips:I can't join a Teams meeting. Join from chat Join by link In your meeting invite, s...
若要在不登录帐户的情况下加入 Teams 会议,请执行以下操作: 打开会议邀请,然后选择“加入”或“单击此处加入会议”旁边的链接。 出现提示时,选择此浏览器上的“继续”或“在 Teams 应用上加入”。 无需安装 Teams 应用就可以加入会议。 可以在 Microsoft Edge 或 Google Chrome 上加入 Teams 网页版。 系统可能会...
You might think that the Teams team would be on Teams all day. And you’d be right! We’re addicted. But not everyone in Microsoft uses Teams all day like we do. When we’re getting new people to join us in Teams, there are a few strategies we try: ...
了解只使用會議 ID 快速輕鬆地加入 Microsoft Teams 會議的方式。加入後,您可以探索 Teams 功能來舉辦成功的會議。
How to Join a Meeting in Microsoft Teams on an Android Device To join Microsoft Team meetings on your Android device, you’ll first need to install theTeams mobile app. Once installed, follow these instructions to join a meeting using the meeting invite link: ...
有意提交产品参加 认证Microsoft Teams 计划的供应商必须具备: 开发和营销企业级和行业领先的通信产品的成熟记录 实现计划技术要求的能力的证据 建立全球支持渠道 (某些计划可能还需要全球企业销售渠道) 承诺根据计划的要求获得顶级支持合同或同等权益 承诺按计划要求支付测试费用和支持客户试用 承诺共享产品使用情况...
As Community Lead for the Microsoft Teams Engineering team, I want toTHANK YOUfor being part of the Community. I think we can all agree that 2020 was a challenging year for all of us, and Microsoft Teams played an enormous role in staying connected to family and frie...
Learn how to join a Microsoft Teams meeting quickly and easily with just a meeting ID. Once you’re in, explore Teams features to make your meeting successful.