Any suggestions on best way to join AzureAD devices to Intune. Users do not have admin access and are synced from Onpremises to AAD. I need to have zero user interaction as I am using RMM tool t... 🙂we can always blame mister niehaus... right😉 nice to hear ...
I have another device that show all those options and I was able to join that one to Azure AD. The new one is a brand new Surface with Windows 10 - 1704.The system that I was able to join to Azure AD is the same version of Windows 10 but it's not a tablet....
PowerShell複製 azureADId:a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1 設定宣告的發行 在同盟 Microsoft Entra 組態中,裝置須依賴 AD FS 或 Microsoft 合作夥伴的內部部署同盟服務向 Microsoft Entra 進行驗證。 裝置會進行驗證以取得向 Microsoft Entra 裝置註冊服務 (Azure DRS) 註冊的存取...
You can domain-join a VM using PowerShell with theAdd-Computercmdlet. The following example joins theAADDSCONTOSOdomain and then restarts the VM. When prompted, enter the credentials for a user that's a part of the managed domain: Add-Computer -DomainName AADDSCONTOSO ...
Any suggestions on best way to join AzureAD devices to Intune. Users do not have admin access and are synced from Onpremises to AAD.I need to have zero...
如果已設定內部部署 DRS,iOS 裝置必須信任在 Step 2: Configure the federation server (ADFS1) with Device Registration Service中用來設定 Active Directory 同盟服務 (AD FS) 的安全通訊端層 (SSL) 憑證,才能成功執行「加入工作地點網路」。 若該AD FS SSL 憑證是從測試憑證授權單位 (CA) 簽發...
In this scenario, pressShift + F10to get command prompt support. Then try to ping the DC and internet URLs from the machine. Windows Autopilot stuck; pleasewait while setting up your device – Windows Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD.18 The other timeout error is when the OU path is not set co...
If the user is trying to perform Workplace Join to your local Active Directory site Delete devices for the user. Use Windows PowerShell scripts to identify devices and to delete devices that are associated with a user. Increase the Registered Device Quota value. Sign in to...
To check with PowerShell, first you need to connect withConnect-MsolService,then. log into Azure AD. Then you can query a DEviceId’s status with the following command. Get-MsolDevice -DevideID {Device-ID-From Above} Look forDeviceTrustType: Azure AD Joined. ...
HAADJ が正常にできているかの最初の確認としては、 Azure ポータルを開き [Azure Active Directory] ブレードの [デバイス] 欄で結合の種類が Hybrid Azure AD Joined となっている状態で対象のコンピューターが存在するか確認します。 ![](./troubleshoot-hybrid-azure-ad-join-managed/device-li...