be frequently listed as corresponding author (first or last author) during the last five years; have demonstrable expertise that fits within the scope and the need of the journal. Suitable Editorial Board Members for BMC Pediatrics also must: support the journal’s ethos, scope, editorial standard...
As a member of theEndocrine ConnectionsEditorial Board you will be asked to review papers within an agreed timeframe, applying your subject expertise to provide a thorough and constructive critique. Expert reviewers are responsible for assessing whether submitted articles are scientifically sound and accu...
Editorial Board Members, Authors, Reviewers, and Colleagues at Wiley;Evaluate the submitted manuscripts initially and submit a suggestion to the Editor-in-Chief;Organize conferences (both online and offline) supported by the journal;Organize or parti...
be frequently listed as corresponding author (first or last author) during the last five years; have demonstrable expertise that fits within the scope and the need of the journal. Suitable Editorial Board Members for BMC Microbiology also must: support the journal’s ethos, scope, editorial standa...
be frequently listed as corresponding author (first or last author) during the last five years; have demonstrable expertise that fits within the scope and the need of the journal. Suitable Editorial Board Members for BMC Immunology must: support the journal’s ethos, scope, editorial standards, ...
Become an Editorial Board Member BMC Neuroscienceis recruiting new Editorial Board Members. AsBMC Neuroscience'svisibility increases, we must also ensure that the journal is able to cope with these increased submissions whilst maintaining our high editorial standards. Therefore, we are looking to expand...
Become an Editorial Board Member BMC Nursing is recruiting new Editorial Board Members. As BMC Nursing is growing, we must ensure that the journal is able to cope with these increased submissions whilst maintaining our high editorial standards. Therefore, we are looking to expand our editorial ...
With my particular academic interest in complex coronary interventions, my role as an Editorial Board Member helps me gain access to the newest research in the field. With the aid of excellent reviewers, it allows me to systematically appraise the soundness of research and the appropriateness of ...
be frequently listed as corresponding author (first or last author) during the last five years; have demonstrable expertise that fits within the scope and the need of the journal. A suitable Editorial Board Members for BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders is someone who: supports the journal’s ethos, ...
be frequently listed ascorresponding author(first or last author) during thelast five years; havedemonstrable expertisethatfits within the scopeandthe needof the journal. Suitable Editorial Board Members forBMC Endocrine Disordersalso must: support the journal’s ethos, scope, editorial standards, and...