SAPABAPINNERJOIN多个表详解及代码 inner join(等值连接) 只返回两个表中联结字段相等的行 left join(左联接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中联结字段相等的记录 right join(右联接) 返回包括右表中的所有记录和左表中联结字段相等的记录 INNER JOIN 语法: INNER JOIN 连接两个数据表的用法: SELECT * FROM...
取数据一般都会用到多个表,inner join是非常常用的操作,但因为比较耗数据库资源,所以很多时间不推荐。 大家也知道,SAP这东西,应用服务器可以扩展为多个,但数据库服务器只有一个,所以必须少消耗DB资源。 据boss说,一般多对多或关联很多表(例如3个以上)时就不用inner join(前者是因为难搞清关系,不太清晰),应改...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Even i dont think its possible to do join on 3 tables in a single delete statement. If you have to delete the entries based on a key u can use 3 different delete statements like this, loop at it_zemp. delete from zemp where empid = it_zem...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi folks, I hope you can understand (and maybe solve) my problem. Generally I try to left outer join three tables. The third table is used for a WHERE-statement. The three table structures are the following: table 1 (user) user1 | key table 2 (...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Quickviewer / Query – Joining tables. There are 2 ways of joining tables in SAP: Inner and outer joins. If you have to following 2 tables, that you want to join, you see that there are 2 matching records: 11 and 12. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Guys , I have a requirement where i have to join 3 tables i dont know whether the inner Join which i wrote for 3 tables is correct or not.I am not getting any Syntax error but whether the logci below which i wrote gets all the records or not...
绿色区域的FDA READ,意思是快速数据访问 (Fast Data Access,缩写为 FDA),这是一种在 SAP ABAP 环境中进行数据读写访问的协议。它针对SAP HANA为 OPEN SQL SELECT 等语句执行时提供了专门的优化。在快速数据访问场景里,SAP ABAP 内表的数据通过一种特殊的方式传输到数据库,处理完毕后返回应用层。FDA 避免了按字...
当多个 SAP 表在逻辑上关联的时候,总是建议使用右关联 inner join 来从中读取数据。这会降低网络的负载。 以两个表为例:zairln 和 zflight。表 zairln 有字段 airln 存储了航空公司的代码,和字段 lnnam 存储了航空公司的名称。表 zflight 有航空公司代码字段 airln, 以及其他字段存储了航空公司运行的航班...
记ABAP模块学习第六周(二) 努力写作业跟笔记了,赶进度中~ 一、JOIN语句 (通常与SELECT语句结合使用,并与FROM语句连接,以从多个表中检索数据) 1、INNER JOIN:根据连接的条件取交集数据,只返回在两个表中都有匹配的行。 2、LEFT JOIN:返回左侧表中的所有行,以及右侧表中与左侧表匹配的行。 二、统计函数 1、...
Database views implement an inner join. The database view provides only those records for which there is an entry in all the tables used in the view. Help views and maintenance views implement an outer join. You can see an example of an inner and outer join in the following figure....