在连接线条之前,使用“缩放”工具放大您的视图。 选择“连接”工具,并画一条线来连接两条路径。 练习 您可能注意到图稿中需要连接或修剪路径的其他区域。 练习使用“连接”工具清理插图。 太棒了! 现在,您可以毫不费力地绘制和编辑快速草图。 2023年5月24日 查看所有 Illustrator 教程...
Solved: Hi all. Have stumbled onto a massively frustrating glitch on the Illustrator pattern tool. I've made a seamless repeating pattern which I'm using for - 11010233
2 upvotes | 4 replies | Photoshop ecosystem Discussions Create Nulls from Pathsで作成するヌルのズレ 0 upvotes | 4 replies | After Effectsフォーラム Discussions Joining & Merging Paths 0 upvotes | 5 replies | Illustrator Discussions Joining 2 lines with effect 0 upvotes | 7 rep...
About Comments2 A simple utility for designers who work with complex vector illustrations and icons. This tool seamlessly joins two separate paths, making it effortless to create continuous, flowing designs just like you can do in Adobe Illustrator. Whether you're working with straight lines or in...
2 選取「連接」工具 首先將「連接」工具新增到基本工具列中。按一下基本工具列底部的「編輯工具列」圖示 (三個點)。隨即顯示「所有工具」抽屜,其中包含 Illustrator 提供的所有工具。 要新增「連接」工具,您可以將它拖到工具列上的任意位置,或將其拖放嵌入一個工具群組中。現在,將其拖到工具列的底部。 秘訣: 要...
2 選取「連接」工具 首先將「連接」工具新增到基本工具列中。按一下基本工具列底部的「編輯工具列」圖示 (三個點)。隨即顯示「所有工具」抽屜,其中包含 Illustrator 提供的所有工具。 要新增「連接」工具,您可以將它拖到工具列上的任意位置,或將其拖放嵌入一個工具群組中。現在,將其拖到工具列的底部。 秘訣: 要...
Hi, im having trouble joining two paths/lines i drew. i use my pen tool and hover over the first path and i get the "division sign" which enables me to join the first path, but then i go over to my second path so i can join them together and the little circle never appears (wh...
, but sometimes it seems like Illustrator won't even let me join two endpoints of different lines together. It gives me the following error message: "To join, you must select two open endpoints. If they are not on the same path, they cannot be on text paths nor inside graphs, and if...
so its like illustrator in that autocad is reading the lines drawn on top of each other in the layering of objects like layers in an illustrator file... or photoshop)... like thats important to know. Report Reply 0 Likes Anonymous in reply to Anonymous 12-11-2020 02:49 PM...
Also another aggravating note, these were solid lines in illustrator, upon import some of these lines are broken into segments. The shape of lines haven't changed, but they are not complete lines upon import. Where they are broken there is a little red end point and nothing seems to be ...