Johnson-Mehl-Avrami方程最早由三位科学家Johnson、Mehl和Avrami于1939年提出,他们通过研究金属的晶化过程,提出了描述晶体生长动力学行为的数学模型。JMA方程在固体相变领域得到了广泛应用,并为研究固体材料的相变过程提供了重要的理论工具。 二、JMA方程的公式推导 3. JMA方程的一般形式 JMA方程的一般形式可以表示为: \...
Johnson-Mehl-Avrami KJMA model 1–3 hassincebeen widelyusedbymetallurgistsandothermaterialsscientiststo analyzephasetransitionkinetics 4 .Inaddition,themodel hasbeenappliedtoawiderangeofotherproblems,from crystallizationkineticsoflipids 5 ,polymers 6 ,theanaly- sisofdepositionsinsurfacescience 7 ,toecological...
Johnson-Mehl-Avrami modelisothermal reduction processmechanically activated samplesthermal reductionIn this paper, the isothermal reduction process kinetics of Cu 2O with carbon under high vacuum for a non-activated sample and mechanically activated samples has been studied. The influence of milling time ...
The generalized Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami modelSuckjoon Jun,* Haiyang Zhang, and John Bechhoefer†Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5A 1S6 Received 30 July 2004; published 21 January 2005 Motivated by a recent application of the Kolmogorov-...
The contention of Sarkar and Ray that Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation is not a true kinetic equation is disproved. It is shown that this equation can be expressed in the form of a standard kinetic equation. The results of the authors are only an approximation of Johnson-Mehl-Avrami kinetics when...
百度试题 题目Johnson-Mehl动力学方程与Avrami方程相比,具有___适用范围。 A.更宽的B.更窄的C.相同的 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B 反馈 收藏
J. Wang et al., Limitation of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation for the kinetic analysis of crystallization in a Ti-based… 309 the whole temperature range, which is consistent with pre- viously reported results [21]. In this work, the kinetic analy- ...
The kinetics of β to α transformation are modelled in the framework of the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami theory.doi:10.1533/9781845695866.2.117Wei ShaSavko MalinovTitanium Alloys