Johnson-Mehl equation is written as d α /d t = k n t n1 (1 α ) where α is the degree of reaction, t time and n a constant. Use of this equation in kinetic analysis present problems because of the presence of a ' t ' term on the right hand side. The equation is not a ...
1) Johnson-Mehl equation 约翰逊摩尔方程2) Johnson-Morgan photometric system 约翰逊-摩根测光系统3) Johnson Screen 约翰逊网 1. The Comparison between the Fluid Resistance Drop Calculation Value of Johnson Screen and Wire-cloth; 约翰逊网与编织网的流体阻力降计算值之比较 2. In this paper, through...
The contention of Sarkar and Ray that Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation is not a true kinetic equation is disproved. It is shown that this equation can be expressed in the form of a standard kinetic equation. The results of the authors are only an approximation of Johnson-Mehl-Avrami kinetics when...
3) Johnson-Mehl equation 约翰逊摩尔方程4) Johnson's behavioral system model 约翰逊行为系统模式5) Johnson system of distributions 约翰逊分布体系6) Johnson Screen 约翰逊网 1. The Comparison between the Fluid Resistance Drop Calculation Value of Johnson Screen and Wire-cloth; 约翰逊网与编织网的...
The kinetics of crystallization processes in solids are usually described by the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami equation. One of the most popular methods to test the applicability of this equation is based on a double logarithmic plot of fraction crystallized (α). However, such plot is not very sensitive...
A temperature domain form of the standard Kolmogorov–Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (KJMA) equation is presented which can be used simulate phenomena such as phase transformation and recrystallization kinetics under non-isothermal conditions. This form of the KJMA equation relies on a parameterized temperature–...
A test of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equationA test of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equationMonte Carlosimulationadsorptionpotential barriersThe Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) equation is evaluated for a phase transformation process in two dimensions via computer modelling. The JMA equation appears to be highly ac...
andthediscrepancybetweentheJohnson-Mehl-Avramimethodandthemodifiedmethodincreaseswiththeincreaseofheatingrate. Keywords:amorphousalloys;crystallization;kinetics;Johnson-Mehl-Avramiequation;impingement [ThisworkwasfinanciallysupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(No.50601011),theNationalBasicResearch ...
Define Johnson-Sirleaf Ellen. Johnson-Sirleaf Ellen synonyms, Johnson-Sirleaf Ellen pronunciation, Johnson-Sirleaf Ellen translation, English dictionary definition of Johnson-Sirleaf Ellen. Ellen Born 1938. Liberian political leader, elected as the first
The contention of Sarkar and Ray that Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation is not a true kinetic equation is disproved. It is shown that this equation can be expressed in the form of a standard kinetic equation. The results of the authors are only an approximation of Johnson-Mehl-Avrami kinetics when...