Johnson Matthey is a global leader in sustainable technologies, catalysing the transition to net zero. Our vision is for a world that’s cleaner and healthier, today and for future generations.
Johnson Matthey is a global leader in sustainable technologies, catalysing the transition to net zero. Our vision is for a world that’s cleaner and healthier, today and for future generations.
Johnson Matthey is a global leader in sustainable technologies, catalysing the transition to net zero. Our vision is for a world that’s cleaner and healthier, today and for future generations.
We're Johnson Matthey Our purpose is to catalyse the net zero transition Read more World-changing engineering careers Join our team and make your mark as a JM engineer Learn more Economy 4.0 with CBS News Decarbonising transport across land, sea and air ...
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Johnson Matthey's vision is for a cleaner, healthier world. We're using our expertise in science to accelerate the global transitions across transport, energy and chemicals.
In for the long haul 'Out of this world' chemistry Fuel cell technology almost dates back to when JM began. We supplied the platinum when William Grove first demonstrated a fuel cell in 1839. In the 1960s, we supplied the electrocatalysts during the Apollo space missions. More recently, we...
Johnson Matthey at a glance Purpose-led Johnson Matthey iscatalysing the net zero transitionthrough our market-leading technology based on our core competencies in advanced metals chemistry, catalysis and process engineering. Sustainability is embedded in everything we do and we have clear targets to ...