“Because the only state election officials who are parties in this case are the members of the board of elections in one small county, we cannot order other election boards to sequester affected ballots,” Alito wrote, joined by Thomas and Gorsuch. The case arose from instan...
"The path to take back the majority now runs through too close to call pick-up opportunities in Arizona, Oregon and Iowa — along with several Democratic-leaning districts in Southern California and the Central Valley. The party that will hold the majority...
In the shared and private spaces of Iowa City, a loose circle of lovers and friends encounter, confront, and provoke one another in a volatile year of self-discovery. At the group’s center are Ivan, a dancer turned aspiring banker who dabbles in amateur pornography; Fatima, whose independe...
The CD 4 congresswoman hasalso been backed byMissouri Senator Josh Hawley, Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, and former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. “I’ve been blessed to receive such overwhelming support from across the pro-life community,” Hartzler said. “There is no greater right than...
In addition to attempted murder, Hunter was charged with two felony counts of criminal possession of a weapon. Hunter was processed at the Johnson City police station and then taken to Broome County Jail for arraignment. Enter your number to get our free mobile app Contact...
investigation Iowa Iowa Caucus Iowa State Fair Ipswich Iran Iraq Iraq War ireland Irin Carmon Iron Fist Iron Man IRS Isiah Thomas ISIL ISIS Islam Islamic State Islamic World Conference Ismaaiyl Brinsley Israel Israel Defense Forces Issa Rae Issue 2 It Wasn't Me Ivanka Trump Iyanla Vanzant J.C....
Situated two years into a presidential term in the United States, midterm elections determine who serves in many congressional seats.(more)See all videos for this article The role of the Senate was conceived by the Founding Fathers as a check on the popularly elected House of Representatives. ...