总结了本人对于Johnson-Cook塑性本构的认识,本帖提供了适用于ABAQUS的JC_VUMAT(代码内有详细介绍)。 1 Johnson-Cook塑性本构简介 在固体力学范畴内,材料的本构关系是专指力与固体材料在力作用下产生变形之间的关系,即材料的流动应力与应变、应变率和温度等变形参数之间的数学函数关系。Johnson-Cook本构模型形式简单、精...
The damage values of Ayada criterion were calculated at different temperatures and fitted with an exponential function. Subsequently, the segmented J–C model and modified Ayada criterion were written in the VUMAT subroutine to simulate the quasi-static uniaxial tension of AA6061-T6 at elevated ...
The damage values of Ayada criterion were calculated at different temperatures and fitted with an exponential function. Subsequently, the segmented J–C model and modified Ayada criterion were written in the VUMAT subroutine to simulate the quasi-static uniaxial tension of AA6061-T6 at elevated ...
我也需要 可以互相联系一下呀 没有vumat 我用的abaqus自带的jc模型 发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
我在网上搜到的Jonhson-cook用户子程序VUMAT里头不含温度那一项,如附件所示,所以向各位求助完整的Jonhson-cook用户子程序VUMAT。最好含有参考应变速率的。:)ABAQUS CAE 结构CAE评论 (7条) 默认 最新 发表 智博同学 您好 感谢您的资料分享 我最近也在学这方面的开发 请问这个温度怎么加您弄通了吗 直接调取温度就...
Finally, the VUMAT subroutine of ABAQUS software was used for numerical simulation, and the predictive ability of the improved model was verified. The simulation results showed that the maximum prediction error of the traditional J-C model was 23.6%, while the maximum error of the improved model...
我用abaqus在做一个镁合金棒材挤压成形的模拟, 需要用到这个子程序,向大家求助 发自小木虫Android客户...