Business/Information Systems Analysis(企业/信息系统分析),Computer Graphics & New Media(计算机图像与新媒体),Electronics Engineering(电子工程),Engineering Design & Configuration Management(工程设计与结构管理),Network Engineering(网络工程),Software Engineering(软件工程),Technology Services Management(技术服务管理)...
尤以观光管理、餐饮、休闲、运动管理及流行行销及跨国管理科系及一年MBA免GMAT著名。 强生威尔斯大学Johnson Wales University 学期制度: 强生威尔斯大学亦是全美少数几个高等教育学府中,以就业导向栽培学生著称, 又称之为America Career University,学校替学生未来事业生涯作准备,并以此为重心的学府之一,创下毕业生毕业六...
education home johnson & wales university--providence ranked in 2 program s and 2 specialt ies overview rankings education health add to list health explore this school's health school occupational therapy physician assistant occupational therapy program and specialty rankings # 105 in occupational ...
强生威尔士大学普罗维登斯校区 Johnson & Wales University: Providence,是一所Private学校,位于美国新英格兰的Providence,位列USNews | 2012年美国北部地区综合大学排名 No.#82 | 2012年全美校园民族文化多样性北部地区综合大学排名 No.-- | 2012年美国知名北部地区综合
强生威尔士大学丹佛校区 Johnson & Wales University: Denver,是一所Private学校,位于美国西部的Denver,位列USNews。强生威尔士大学丹佛校区最受欢迎专业,Personal and Miscellaneous Services, 个人和其他服务,Business/Marketing, 商业/市场营销,Family and Consumer S
Reviewed by 1 user Excellent school and very demanding. 4 years ago Greg Providence, Rhode Island My grandson just completed his second year and I can not tell you how impressed I have been with the scope, professionalism and thoroughness of every course he has taken. The courses challenge th...
Johnson & Wales University强生威尔士大学 Providence, Rhode Island 私立 学生数:16,000 地理位置:郊区 学校概况: Johnson & Wales大学成立于1914年,主校区位于位于Rhode Island州风景如画的的New England。 Providence是New England的第二大城市,既保持了历史的魅力,同时又是文化和工业中心。New York市和Massachusetts...
Johnson & Wales University--Providence has a total undergraduate enrollment of 3,952 (fall 2023), with a gender distribution of 38.1% male students and 61.9% female students. At this school, 52% of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 48% of students liv...
The average need-based scholarship or grant awarded to first-year students at Johnson & Wales University--Providence was $28,926. Additionally, 80% of first-year students received need-based financial aid in fall 2022. Need-based self-help aid includes federal loans and work-study. The ...