J&J Vision Pro, your go-to resource for eye care professionals. Access cutting-edge products, educational materials, and expert support in one platform.
J&J Vision Pro, your go-to resource for eye care professionals. Access cutting-edge products, educational materials, and expert support in one platform.
J&J Vision Pro, your go-to resource for eye care professionals. Access cutting-edge products, educational materials, and expert support in one platform.
J&J Vision Pro, your go-to resource for eye care professionals. Access cutting-edge products, educational materials, and expert support in one platform.
强生视力康公司 Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.对人工晶状体主动召回 中国质量新闻网讯 据国家药品监督管理局网站7月26日消息,眼力健(上海)医疗器械贸易有限公司报告,由于非散光矫正型TECNIS®人工晶状体在生产时带有散光矫正型基准标记,生产商强生视力康公司 Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.对...
眼力健(上海)医疗器械贸易有限公司报告,由于涉及特定型号、特定批次产品,存在2017年2月提交到日本PMDA的很小的原材料设计变更没有得到许可的问题,生产商Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.强生视力康公司对眼科超声乳化仪WHITESTAR Signature Phacoemulsification System(注册证号:国械注进20173236671、国械注进...
Johnson and Johnson Vision Care operates within the healthcare industry, providing products and services for managing eye conditions like myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism, and cataracts, along with vision correction and eye care education. The company serves the healthcare sector, focusing on ophthalmology...
Johnson & Johnson Vision focuses on vision care. The company offers a range of products including contact lenses, ocular surface care products, and surgical systems designed to protect, correct, treat, and enhance vision. It primarily serves the healthcare sector, specifically eye care professionals...
眼力健(上海)医疗器械贸易有限公司报告,由于涉及特定型号、特定批次产品,存在不合规范的焊缝突出问题,生产商强生视力康公司Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 对一次性使用管道套装(眼科超声乳化治疗仪)(注册证编号:国械注进20193160026)主动召回。召回级别为二级。涉及产品的型号、规格及批次等详细信息见《医疗器...
眼力健(上海)医疗器械贸易有限公司报告,由于涉及特定型号、特定批次产品过期,生产商强生视力康公司Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.对其生产的一次性LAMINAR层流超乳探针和灌注套管(国械注进20173166671,国械注进20193160370)主动召回。召回级别为二级召回。涉及产品的型号、规格及批次等详细信息见《医疗器械召回事件...